Site Reviews


Site Reviews allows your visitors to submit reviews with a 1-5 star rating on your website, similar to the way you would on TripAdvisor or Yelp. The plugin provides blocks, shortcodes, and widgets, along with full documentation.

You can pin your best reviews so that they are always shown first, require approval before new review submissions are published, require visitors to be logged-in in order to write a review, send custom notifications on a new submission, and a lot more!

Site Reviews integrates with Woocommerce with the free Woocommerce Reviews add-on.

View the demo

Follow plugin development on Github.

Current Features

  • Actively Developed and Supported
  • Asian Language Support
  • Assign Reviews to Categories: Add your own categories and assign reviews to them.
  • Assign Reviews to Pages: Assign reviews to Posts, Pages, and Custom Post Types like Woocommerce Products.
  • Assign Reviews to Users: Assign reviews to Users on your website.
  • Avatars: Provided by the WordPress Gravatar service
  • Backup and Restore: Export/Import your settings and custom translations, and use the WordPress Export and Import tools to backup your reviews.
  • Bayesian Ranking: Easily sort pages with assigned reviews by rank (using the bayesian algorithm) in your custom WP_Query
  • Blacklist: Block review submissions which contain specific words, phrases, IP addresses, names, and emails
  • Developer Friendly: Designed for WordPress developers with over 100 hooks and convenient functions
  • Documentation: FAQ and documenation for hooks and all shortcodes and functions
  • Editor Blocks: Use the custom editor blocks in the Gutenberg editor
  • Elementor Support: Use the native Elementor Widgets in the Elementor editor
  • Form Styles: Match the review form with popular themes and form plugins
  • Import Third-Party Reviews: Includes a built-in CSV importer
  • JSON-LD Schema: Display your reviews and ratings in search results
  • Members Only: Require users to be logged in before submitting a review
  • Multilingual Support: Integrates with Polylang and WPML allowing you to assign reviews to multilingual pages
  • Multisite Support: Fully supports network/multisite websites
  • Notifications: Send notifications to one or more emails when a review is submitted
  • Pagination: Display a set number of reviews per-page with AJAX
  • Premium Support: Free premium-level support included on the support forum
  • Privacy: Integrates with the WordPress privacy tools
  • Rating Summaries: Display a summary of your review ratings from high to low.
  • Relative Dates: You decide the date format that is displayed in your reviews
  • Responses: Write responses to your reviews
  • REST API: Access your reviews from remote websites and applications using the API.
  • Restrictions: Require approval before publishing reviews and limit review submissions by email address, IP address, or username
  • Shortcodes: Configurable shortcodes complete with full documentation
  • Slack Integration: Receive notifications in Slack when a review is submitted
  • SPAM Protection: Includes 5 layers of protection from spam! Built-in Honeypot protection; Invisible reCAPTCHA, Akismet, Blacklist, and Review limits
  • Templates: Use the Site Reviews templates in your theme for full control over the HTML
  • Translations: Easily change any text of the plugin to your own
  • Widgets: Use the configurable widgets in your sidebars.

Site Reviews Add-ons

Site Reviews provides a ton of absolutely free features, possibly more than any other review plugin. But when those features are not enough, Site Reviews provides additional features through add-ons. Current add-ons include:

  • Review Filters (premium): Sort, filter, and search your reviews.
  • Review Forms (premium): Create custom review forms with over 20 field types and individual review templates.
  • Review Images (premium): Add images with captions to your reviews.
  • Review Notifications (premium): Create and schedule custom review notifications with conditions.
  • Review Themes (premium): Create custom review designs with a drag-and-drop builder.
  • Woocommerce Reviews (free): Integrate Site Reviews with your Woocommerce products.

Site Reviews Premium

Site Reviews Premium provides access to all of our free and premium add-ons, and automatically includes access to future add-ons as they are released.


Images adapted from freepik.

ეკრანული სურათები

  • The "All Reviews" page.

  • Add-ons provide additional functionality to Site Reviews

  • The "Edit Review" page.

  • Site Reviews has full support for the new Blocks Editor and includes custom blocks for each of the shortcodes.

  • If you are still using the Classic page editor, you can use the Site Reviews dropdown button to easily add any of the shortcodes.

  • Site Reviews includes three widgets.

  • Site Reviews includes a Help page with answers to frequently asked questions and complete documentation for all available shortcode options.

  • The "General" settings page.

  • The "Reviews" settings page.

  • The "Submissions" settings page.

  • The "Schema" settings page.

  • Easily add a custom translation for any text in the plugin.

  • Export/import the plugin settings, and perform various other tasks.

  • If you experience any issues with the plugin, the console logger is the first pace to look.

  • View information about the configuration of your server, your website, and the Site Reviews plugin.

  • This is what the Slack notifications look like.


Minimum plugin requirements

  • WordPress 5.5.0
  • PHP 5.6.20

If your server and website does not meet the minimum requirements shown below, the plugin will automatically deactivate and a notice will appear explaining why.

Automatic installation

Log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click “Add New”. In the search field type “Site Reviews” and click Search Plugins. Once you have found the plugin, click “Install Now”.

Manual installation

Download the Site Reviews plugin and upload it to your server with your favorite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.


How do I use Site Reviews?

Use the provided shortcodes, widgets, and blocks on your website. Please also see the screenshots above which demontrate many of the features, and read the Help page included in the Site Reviews menu once the plugin has been installed and activated.

I need help with something else

All documentation can be found in the “Help” page of the plugin. If your question is not answered there, please create a new topic in the WordPress support forum.


I needed a plugin with reviews that I could completely customize, especially the star images. I contacted the support for a small problem and there super surprise a very fast response and my problem solved. I recommend this plugin: simple, effective, easily modifiable and a great support.
very nice plugin. easy to install. the most important settings are available. highly recommend it
Keep up the good work. Great plugin overall. Recommendations: Add an option for review forms giving user the option to select which post/product he wants to assign his review. Along with that being able to show a review summary showing all reviews regarding the entire site. (all reviews posted for any post id).
201 რევიუს წაკითხვა

მონაწილეები & დეველოპერები

“Site Reviews” ღია პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფაა. შემდეგმა ადამიანებმა წვილი შეიტანეს მის განვითარებაში.


“Site Reviews” ითარგმნა 7 ენაზე. გმადლობთ თარჯიმნებო თქვენი წვლილისათვის.

გადათარგმნეთ Site Reviews თქვენს ენაზე.

დაინტერესებული ხართ დეველოპმენტით?

დაათვალიერეთ კოდი, შეამოწმეთ SVN რეპო, ან გამოიწერეთ შექმნის ჟურნალი : RSS.


5.17.8 (2021-11-24)

  • Fixed compatibility with Ultimate Member user avatars

5.17.7 (2021-11-23)

  • Added the “site-reviews/review/request” hook

5.17.6 (2021-11-17)

  • Fixed the Approve/Unapprove links on the All Reviews page
  • Fixed PHP error when php_uname() is disabled (used when detecting the webhosting on the System Info page)

5.17.5 (2021-11-16)

  • Added setting to add a custom fallback avatar image

5.17.4 (2021-11-15)

  • Fixed add-on updater
  • Fixed compatibility with GamiPress plugin
  • Fixed deactivation notices on WordPress settings pages

5.17.3 (2021-11-15)

  • Fixed a potential XSS vunerability on the Console page (the console wasn’t escaping HTML correctly when displaying logged errors)

5.17.2 (2021-11-11)

  • Fixed the hidden review content when viewing a review in a modal

5.17.1 (2021-11-10)

  • Fixed addon links

5.17.0 (2021-11-10)

  • Added the “Review Notifications” add-on!
  • Added a setting to restrict the “Require Approval” setting to a minimum rating
  • Added Accepted Terms field to privacy export (using the review creation date as the value if the terms were accepted)
  • Added Action Scheduler which allows plugin migrations and review notifications to be queued and dispatched automatically.
  • Added support for additional date formats and columns in the “Import Third Party Reviews” tool
  • Fixed HTML sanitization in review values
  • Fixed importing of IP Addresses in the “Import Third Party Reviews” tool
  • Fixed importing to skip empty CSV rows
  • Fixed non-ajax pagination when paginated URLs are disabled in the settings
  • Fixed potential page collisions with other plugins due to a WordPress bug
  • Fixed the removal of foreign key constraints in database tables when plugin is deactivated
  • Fixed the “terms” field value to be false by default
  • Renamed the “email-notification.php” template file to “notification.php”. If you are using this template file in your theme, please rename it.
  • Updated the “Common Problems and Solutions” documentation

5.16.2 (2021-10-06)

  • Fixed Initials Avatars
  • Fixed Pixel Avatars

5.16.1 (2021-10-04)

  • Added compatibility fix for Review Themes v1.0.0-beta4

5.16.0 (2021-10-03)

  • Added “No category”, “No assigned post”, and “No assigned term” options to the filters on the All Reviews admin page.
  • Added a “Fallback Avatar” setting
  • Added a locally generated Initials Avatar option in the “Fallback Avatar” setting
  • Added a locally generated Pixel Avatar option in the “Fallback Avatar” setting
  • Added API and shortcode support for slugs in the assigned_posts parameter; these should be entered in the format of post_type:slug.
  • Added API support for usernames in the assigned_users parameter.
  • Fixed compatibility with WP Rocket (purges the cache of the page the review was submitted on)
  • Added custom ServerSideRender functionality to allow post-render events in Gutenberg blocks
  • Fixed Elementor widget icons
  • Fixed loading of modal HTML
  • Fixed text on the Translations settings page with instructions for the “Loco Translate” plugin.

5.15.0 (2021-09-28)

  • Added link for Premium members to download the beta version of the Review Themes add-on
  • Fixed compatibility with the beta version of the Review Themes add-on
  • Fixed missing translation strings
  • Updated star-ratings.js library

5.14.1 (2021-09-24)

  • Fixed compatibility error with Gutenberg in WordPress 5.7 and earlier

5.14.0 (2021-09-23)

  • Changed permission defaults for admin pages
  • Fixed ability to remove plugin hooks
  • Fixed add-on settings link on Plugins page
  • Fixed API permission check for categories
  • Fixed Elementor widgets
  • Fixed HTML entities in Console output
  • Fixed invalid reviews being created from non-review post types
  • Fixed loading indicator on translations search input
  • Fixed locked review status indicators
  • Fixed permission check for approve/unapprove actions
  • Fixed Response column value after a response is given
  • Fixed review limit assignment settings
  • Fixed widget compatibility with WordPress 5.8
  • Fixed widgets in Customizer
  • Improved tooltips
  • Removed the “Trustalyze Confidence System” add-on (the service has been discontinued).

5.13.2 (2021-08-08)

  • Fixed database queries to correctly handle multiple assignment values
  • Fixed Terms toggle on RTL websites

5.13.1 (2021-08-02)

  • Fixed a possible stored XSS vulnerability which allowed an admin user to add a malicious value when editing a review from the WordPress admin.
  • Fixed the terms toggle which broke due to the multi-checkbox fix in a previous update

5.13.0 (2021-08-01)

  • Added the $review->author() method on review objects which returns the author name as defined in the settings
  • Added the “site-reviews/avatar/attributes” hook which allows you to modify the attributes on the avatar tag
  • Fixed Custom field multi-checkboxes
  • Internal changes to support the upcoming Review Themes add-on
  • Renamed the “site-reviews/review/response” hook to “site-reviews/review/responded” (see the related FAQ section)
  • Updated the “Common Problems and Solutions”
  • Updated the “FAQ”

5.12.9 (2021-07-21)

  • Fixed relative dates to use the GMT date of the review

5.12.8 (2021-07-12)

  • Fixed PHP warning introduced in v5.12.7

5.12.7 (2021-07-12)

  • Improved the error message when saving add-on licenses to make it more descriptive and helpful.
  • Removed the “Discover Premium” button for licensed add-on users

5.12.6 (2021-07-07)

  • Fixed invalid schema output on the [site_reviews] shortcode when there are no reviews
  • Fixed the Assigned Posts filter on the All Reviews page

5.12.5 (2021-07-01)

  • Fixed the plugin migration which sets the custom role capabilities in cases where the default WordPress roles have been renamed or removed

5.12.4 (2021-07-01)

  • Fixed the filters on the “All Reviews” admin page

5.12.3 (2021-07-01)

  • Added a data-rating attribute to the review ratings

5.12.2 (2021-06-12)

  • Fixed the Bulk Edit actions

5.12.1 (2021-06-12)

  • Fixed the “respond_to_*” capabilities, users can now respond to reviews if they are the author of one of the assigned posts

5.12.0 (2021-06-07)

  • Added the “rating_field” shortcode option which allows you to use a custom rating field with the summary
  • Added the “Repair Review Relations” tool
  • Fixed “loose assignment” database queries

5.11.1 (2021-06-03)

  • Fixed pagination

5.11.0 (2021-06-02)

  • Added a REST API (see the provided documentation to learn how to use it)
  • Added custom capabilities for responding to reviews (respond_to_site-review and respond_to_others_site-review)
  • Added filters for categories, assigned posts, and assigned users on the “All Reviews” admin page (enable them in the “Screen Options” on the top-right of the page)
  • Added native Elementor widgets
  • Added support for in dropdown fields (this may be useful when using the Review Forms add-on to display a category dropdown with parent/child categories). To learn how to enable this, please see the FAQ Help page.
  • Added the glsr_update_review helper function (see the provided documentation to learn how to use it)
  • Added the ability to create reviews from the admin
  • Added the ability to respond to reviews from the “All Reviews” page
  • Added the site-reviews/review/build/tag/response/by hook (see the FAQ to learn how to use it to change the name in the response)
  • Fixed inline styles (overriding the star images should now display correctly in the block editor)
  • Fixed summary review counts for 0-star ratings
  • Fixed the star rating when resetting the submission form where a default rating is set

5.10.4 (2021-05-03)

  • Fixed date validation in the “Import Third Party Reviews” tool

5.10.3 (2021-04-28)

  • Fixed the assigned_posts meta keys which store the average rating, ranking, and review count

5.10.2 (2021-04-27)

  • Fixed the missing “terms” database column error for users who have not run the plugin migration from previous versions

5.10.1 (2021-04-26)

  • Fixed the missing “terms” database column error for users who updated a fresh install of Site Reviews v5.9 to v5.10

5.10.0 (2021-04-26)

  • Added delimiter and date format options in the “Import third party reviews” tool
  • Fixed the missing “terms” database column in a fresh install of Site Reviews

5.9.0 (2021-04-24)

  • Added a “Compatibility Issues” section to the Help page to document incompatible plugins along with possible workarounds.
  • Added a “terms” option to the shortcodes which allow you to only display reviews where the terms field was accepted in the form. All reviews that were submitted before this update will have their terms set as accepted.
  • Fixed database foreign table constraints
  • Fixed settings tabs on touch devices
  • Improved the Tools page

5.8.5 (2021-04-17)

  • Fixed anonymous reviews from inheriting the author ID of the logged in user after being edited

5.8.4 (2021-04-15)

  • Fixed a potential problem introduced by the previous widget compatibility fix

5.8.3 (2021-04-12)

  • Fixed widget compatibility with page builder plugins

5.8.2 (2021-04-03)

  • Fixed javascript event system
  • Fixed the FAQ javascript example of hiding the form after a review submission

5.8.1 (2021-03-28)

  • Fixed database versioning
  • Fixed internal unique array logic

5.8.0 (2021-03-05)

  • Added setting tooltips
  • Fixed compatibility with the Thrive Architect plugin
  • Fixed compatibility with the WP Rocket plugin
  • Fixed modal styles
  • Optimised settings
  • Updated documentation

5.7.4 (2021-03-02)

  • Fixed review star CSS

5.7.3 (2021-02-24)

  • Fixed compatibility with Elementor Pro popups
  • Fixed compatibility with SG Optimiser
  • Fixed compatibility with WPForms
  • Fixed the toggle alignment in the “Minimal” plugin style
  • Fixed validation event listeners

5.7.2 (2021-02-18)

  • Fixed support for PHP compiled without a built-in ctype extension (i.e. FreeBSD servers)

5.7.0 (2021-02-16)

  • Added a custom Event Emitter which will allow you to manually initialise the Site Reviews javascript after the DOMContentLoaded event has fired or from Popup events (see:
  • Added documentation on troubleshooting problems with the review form (see the “Common Problems and Solutions” section on the Help page).
  • Added the “Optimise Your Database Tables” tool which allows you to convert tables from MyISAM to InnoDB for better performance.
  • Improved the excerpt and pagination scripts.

5.6.2 (2021-02-09)

  • Added the “Review Themes” add-on, premium members may request early access to try out the beta.
  • Fixed the FAQ for hiding the form after submission.

5.6.1 (2021-02-05)

  • Fixed the star rating field on touch devices

5.6.0 (2021-02-04)

  • Added an option to display excerpted reviews in a modal
  • Fixed assigned ranking meta when reviews are manually approved/unapproved
  • Fixed imported reviews losing their submission date when approved/unapproved
  • Fixed incorrect triggering of the rating validation after a form submission
  • Fixed translation bug with htmlentities
  • Fixed paragraph word wrapping in reviews

5.5.2 (2021-01-29)

  • Fixed browser support for star-ratings.js

5.5.1 (2021-01-26)

  • Added the missing “What’s New” sections

5.5.0 (2021-01-26)

  • Added “data-field” attribute to form fields; this should make it easier to build custom CSS layouts
  • Added “date”, “user__in”, and “user__not_in” parameters to the glsr_get_reviews() function
  • Added glsr_trace() helper function
  • Added plugin style for the “Twenty Twenty-One” theme
  • Added “Restrict Limits To” setting which allows you to choose which assignments are used in the review limits.
  • Added sub-sections for add-on settings
  • Changed the “site-reviews/review/build/” hooks to “site-reviews/review/build/tag/”
  • Fixed CSV importing when header values contain trailing spaces
  • Fixed email and IP address review limits to include all reviews (not just approved reviews)
  • Upgraded star-ratings.js library to v4 in preparation for the “Review Themes” add-on

5.4.3 (2021-01-16)

  • Fixed Add-on support notice
  • Fixed Migration support for PHP 8.0 Named Arguments

5.4.2 (2020-12-26)

  • Fixed line breaks in excerpts

5.4.1 (2020-12-24)

  • Fixed links in review responses to allow the “rel” attribute
  • Happy Holidays! 🎄✨🍾

5.4.0 (2020-12-22)

  • Added the “schema_identifier” meta key which can be used to set a custom ‘@id’ schema property with the Custom Fields metabox
  • Added the “Woocommerce Reviews” add-on
  • Fixed a PHP 8 error with the schema
  • Fixed setting fields to use escaped HTML attributes

5.3.5 (2020-12-16)

  • Fixed template tag substitution in custom review templates

5.3.4 (2020-12-16)

  • Fixed pagination to use the saved “hide” options
  • Fixed the import tool, it no longer substitutes empty review name/email fields with those of the logged in user

5.3.3 (2020-12-14)

  • Fixed add-on updater

5.3.2 (2020-12-13)

  • Added “Site Reviews Premium”
  • Added “Review Forms” add-on
  • Added debug logging for validation errors
  • Added error logging for database table creation errors
  • Added support for PHP 8
  • Added the Category and Review IDs to the action row in the admin tables
  • Added the {{ assigned_posts }}, {{ assigned_users }}, and {{ assigned_terms }} template tags
  • Fixed block attributes
  • Fixed line-breaks in review excerpts
  • Fixed pagination URLs for servers that do not use REQUEST_URI
  • Fixed support for older custom fields using assign_to/category as names
  • Fixed the Backtrace used when logging entries to the Console
  • Fixed the Console on sites that have been duplicated but still have the upload dir cached to the old path
  • Improved the block options
  • Improved the documentation
  • Improved the System Info

5.2.3 (2020-11-30)

  • Fixed the PHP multibyte fallback when the iconv extension is missing

5.2.2 (2020-11-17)

  • Fixed shortcode examples in documentation; Copy/pasting a shortcode example into the classic editor will now paste as plain text instead of as HTML code.
  • Fixed System Info details to always be in English

5.2.1 (2020-11-15)

  • Fixed MariaDB support (removed subqueries from the SQL)
  • Fixed migration of imported settings
  • Fixed the “post__in” and “post__not_in” options of the glsr_get_reviews() helper function

5.2.0 (2020-11-06)

  • Added Notification Template tags for assigned categories, posts, and users
  • Added Review Assignment setting
  • Changed review assignment in SQL queries to use strict assignments by default (it was previously using loose assignments, use the new “Review Assignment” setting to change this back)
  • Changed the glsr_create_review function to log validation errors to the plugin console
  • Fixed Bulk Editing of reviews that are assigned to post types or users
  • Fixed Multibyte String support
  • Fixed Multisite compatibility
  • Fixed pagination URLs when used on the homepage
  • Fixed rating validation when using a custom maximum rating value
  • Fixed review limits validation for assigned reviews
  • Fixed review migration of invalid 3rd-party reviews (reviews that were previously imported incorrectly)
  • Fixed review name and email fallback values to use those of the logged-in user
  • Fixed the submission date of reviews, it now uses the timezone offset in the WordPress settings

5.1.6 (2020-10-25)

  • Fixed compatibility issue with the Elementor Pro Popups
  • Fixed the glsr_create_review helper function validation

5.1.4 (2020-10-25)

  • Fixed addons notice styling and placement
  • Fixed plugin file paths on IIS Windows servers
  • Fixed plugin migrations to work better with the W3 Total Cache plugin
  • Fixed strict standard notices in PHP 5.6

5.1.0 (2020-10-24)

  • Fixed database integration with WordPress tables that still use the old MyISAM engine
  • Fixed the submission date of reviews to account for the timezone
  • Improved the plugin migration notice

5.0.3 (2020-10-23)

  • Added back the deprecated “count” option on the [site_reviews] shortcode so that it will still work for people who have not yet replaced it with the “display” option.
  • Fixed a regression which prevented translations from including a link (i.e. the terms toggle)
  • Fixed the terms toggle validation
  • Fixed the trustalyze add-on link

5.0.0 (2020-10-22)

  • Added “Delete data on uninstall” option to selectively delete plugin data when removing the plugin
  • Added “Send Emails From” option to send notifications from a custom email address
  • Added a loading=”lazy” attribute to avatar images
  • Added a new Review Details metabox which allows you to modify review values
  • Added a tool to import 3rd-party reviews
  • Added a tool to test IP address detection
  • Added assigned_posts shortcode option, this replaces the “assign_to” and “assigned_to” options and allows you to assign reviews to multiple Post IDs
  • Added assigned_terms shortcode option, this replaces the “category” option and allows you to assign reviews to multiple Categories
  • Added assigned_users shortcode option, this allows you to assign reviews to multiple User IDs
  • Added suggested privacy policy content
  • Added the submitted review to the “site-reviews/after/submission” javascript event
  • Added WordPress Personal Data Eraser integration
  • Added WordPress Personal Data Exporter integration
  • Added WordPress Revision integration
  • Changed the assigned_to hide option to assigned_links (i.e. [site_reviews hide=”assigned_links”])
  • Changed the minimum PHP version to 5.6.20
  • Changed the minimum WordPress version to 5.5
  • Changed the review limit validation to perform strict checking for assigned posts, categories and users (AND instead of OR)
  • Changed the settings to use the WordPress “Disallowed Comment Keys” option by default
  • Changed the “site-reviews/rating/average” filter hook argument order (see the Upgrade Guide on the Site Reviews welcome page)
  • Fixed compatibility with the Divi theme and Divi Builder plugin
  • Fixed compatibility with the Elementor Pro plugin popups
  • Fixed compatibility with the GeneratePress Premium plugin
  • Fixed compatibility with the Hummingbird Performance plugin
  • Fixed compatibility with the Members plugin
  • Fixed compatibility with the WP-Optimize plugin
  • Fixed compatibility with the WP Super Cache plugin
  • Fixed the review summary bars in IE11
  • Fixed Welcome page permissions
  • Improved console logging
  • Improved documentation
  • Improved plugin performance with thousands of reviews
  • Improved the blocks to visually match the WordPress 5.5 editor style
  • Improved the Terms checkbox in the review form to align correctly with the text
  • Improved translation settings
  • Refreshed the stars SVG images
  • Removed the deprecated “count” option from the [site_reviews] ahortcode (use the “display” option instead).
  • Removed the “site-reviews/config/forms/submission-form” filter hook (see the Upgrade Guide on the Welcome page)
  • Removed the “site-reviews/reviews/reviews-wrapper” filter hook (see the Upgrade Guide on the Welcome page)
  • Removed the “site-reviews/submission-form/order” filter hook (see the Upgrade Guide on the Welcome page)
  • Removed the glsr_calculate_ratings() helper function
  • Removed the Trustalyze integration, it is now an add-on
  • Removed tool to calculate rating counts (no longer needed)
  • Renamed the glsr_get_rating() helper function to glsr_get_ratings()
  • Replaced the assign_to and assigned_to shortcode options with the assigned_posts option
  • Replaced the category shortcode option with “assigned_terms” option
  • Site Reviews now uses custom database tables, however you may still use the WordPress Export/Import tools as before
  • The Translations Settings search results are now restricted to public text that is actually shown on your website, if you would like to change plugin text shown in the WordPress admin, you should use the Loco Translate plugin instead