This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

AinoBlocks – Gutenberg Website Builder Blocks


The AinoBlocks website builder blocks are a collection of blocks for the Gutenberg block editor. With AinoBlocks and our Full Site Editing block themes you can create professional websites with ease.


AinoBlocks WordPress plugin bundles the following third-party resources:

Phosphor Icons
Copyright (c) 2020 Phosphor Icons
License: MIT License,


This plugin provides 16 blocks.

  • Flexbox Flexbox container. Use the Flex Item block as child blocks.
  • Testimonial Insert a testimonial or review with the option to add author information.
  • Author Show a name, a short description text and avatar profile image.
  • Badge This is a badge block.
  • Icon An icon block.
  • Divider A visual divider between sections.
  • Hero A hero block.
  • Sticker A circle sticker with a text slogan to highlight featured elements.
  • Grid A responsive grid container. Arrange multiple grid items on the grid to build flexible layouts.
  • Buttons Multiple buttons in a row or column.
  • Accordion FAQ Block Create Frequently Asked Question's and Accordion toggles with Aino's Accordion and FAQ Block
  • Card Insert a card to highlight important content such as quotes or special notices. The card has a box style format that can be customised.
  • Profile Image Show a name, a short description text and avatar profile image.
  • Grid Item A grid item in a grid container block.
  • Button A single button within a Buttons block.
  • Flex Item Child block inside Flexbox container block.


  1. Install the AinoBlocks plugin either via the WordPress plugin directory or by uploading the files to your server at wp-content/plugins.
  2. Activate the AinoBlocks WordPress plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Use the AinoBlocks blocks on your next page or post.


What are the requirements to use the AinoBlocks blocks plugin?

You only need to have the latest version of WordPress on your website, to begin with. We do not recommend to use the Gutenberg plugin or WooCommerce blocks plugin on your live websites.

What WordPress themes work with AinoBlocks blocks?

Any Gutenberg-ready WordPress theme will work with the AinoBlocks plugin. Since we created the free FSE block Aino theme specifically to work in combination with our block collection we recommend you to use our Aino theme with AinoBlocks.

How do I get started using AinoBlocks?

After the AinoBlocks plugin is installed, you will see the AinoBlocks blocks collection in your blocks library on any page and post. You can now choose a block and insert it into your editor.

Does AinoBlocks come with patterns?

Yes, you can find the patterns inside the pattern library once you install one of our FSE block themes.


Agost 23, 2023
hi, i want to use solarone theme. Is it possible to import a demo theme ? where can i it ? Thanks
Juliol 26, 2023
I am mostly using the grid block, because this block is great. I love it, am doing everything with it. Great work!
Abril 13, 2023 1 reply
I bought a license for the Makoney Theme. In connection with AionoBlocks there are some errors that do not occur with a standard theme and make it impossible to use my website. Although my support request was marked as “read” at Elmastudio, I have not received an answer to my request for three weeks, not even by e-mail. For me, this is not an appropriate way of dealing with premium users who pay for it.
Desembre 17, 2022
This is an extremely powerful plugin—it’s very advanced at how much it can do. It will enable you to do complex layouts within your block theme akin to what you currently see on Squarespace homepage (as of Dec ’22). This plugin will take you into the present and future of web design. It’s almost shocking :-O
Agost 8, 2022 3 replies
Tried and loved it. A great solution if you don’t care about performance, but it loads 100s of KBs of extra CSS without even adding a single block. That should be taken care of.
Agost 3, 2022 3 replies
The documentation pages are mostly empty. Tried the flexbox block, but it doesn’t show anything and I can’t figure out how to use it.
Read all 8 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“AinoBlocks – Gutenberg Website Builder Blocks” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Release date: Nov 10, 2022

New: Icon block new icons added.
Enhance: Button sizes.


Release date: August 9, 2022

Bugfix: CSS update for Grit Item block.


Release date: August 8, 2022

Bugfix: Grit Item block aligment desktop setting.


Release date: August 5, 2022

New: Accordion/FAQ block added to blocks collection.
New: Buttons block responsive flex direction settings.
New: Buttons block responsive flexbox gap settings.
New: Grit Item block aligment tablet and mobile settings.
Enhance: Grid item block InnerBlocks to useInnerBlocksProps.
Bugfix: Hide left,right and top borders if bottom border is set.
Bugfix: Flexbox editor view.
Bugfix: Buttons block 100% width setting.
Bugfix: List block padding missing on frontend.


Release date: July 26, 2022

Enhance: Block type registering.
Enhance: Flexbox settings.
Enhance: Multiple Buttons block use useInnerBlocksProps.


Release date: July 4, 2022

Enhance: Icon block with new icon.
Enhance: Grid Container block use useInnerBlocksProps.
Enhance: Flexbox block use useInnerBlocksProps.


Release date: June 19, 2022

Enhance: New block icons.
Enhance: Plugin name and description.
Enhance: Add upgrade button to plugin list view.
Enhance: Extend grid gap sizes (l = 32px and xl = 48px).
Enhance: Card shadows.
Enhance: Remove Icon Button block from Block collection. The block will be rebuild into a single block.


Release date: April 25, 2022

Enhance: Gradient background for Flexbox Item block.
Bugfix: Flexbox issue in header in editor view.


Release date: April 6, 2022

New: Icon block (sinple first version, block will be improved in future updates).
New: Profile Image block (Author block child).
New: Grid Item block responsive margins left and right.
Enhance: Testimonial block.
Enhance: Flexbox Item block.
Enhance: Grid Item block color settings.
Enhance: Author block.


Enhance: Badge block.
Enhance: Change plugin home URL.


Enhance: Compress CSS files.
Enhance: Badge block.


New: Small, medium, large Grid column gap option.
Enhance: Grid block CSS styles.
Enhance: Renamed ‘Grid Container’ to ‘Grid’.
Enhance: Renamed ‘Arrow Button’ to ‘Icon Button’.


Bugfix: Primary Button Border.


New: Card border style setting.
New: Flexbox absolute positioning.
Enhance: Card border color setting.
Enhance: Button sizes.
Enhance: Badge settings.
Bugfix: Button color settings.
Bugfix: Card color settings.


New: Flexbox and Flex Item blocks.
New: Flex direction setting in Buttons block.
New: 100% button width option in Buttons block.
Enhance: Color settings update to support global styles.
Enhance: Block and block category icons.


New: Responsive spacing extension for Grid Container and Grid Item.
Enhance: Border radius setting for Code, Preformatted, Group and Card blocks.


New: Responsive spacing extension for Grid Container and Grid Item.
Enhance: Border radius setting for Code, Preformatted, Group and Card blocks.
Enhance: Update to API version 2.
Enhance: Button Block Background Link Color.
Enhance: Grid Block Small gap styles.
Enhance: Delete Freestyle block patterns in order to update and rearrange patterns.
Bugfix: Freestyle Block Patterns.
Bugfix: Core Image block border radius for images with link.


Bugfix: Core Image block border radius settings, when border radius is not set.


New: Core Image block border radius settings.


New: ‘Freestyle’ block patterns set.
New: Grid full width toolbar button.
New: Grid item background colour setting.
Enhance: Card block border settings.
Enhance: Add spacing setting to Core Separator block.


New: First ‘Freestyle’ block pattern.
Bugfix: Sticker block URL input.
Bugfix: Arror button block URL input.


New: Sticker block.
New: Divider block.
Enhance: Block editor icons.
Enhance: Card block paddings.
Enhance: Badge block.
Enhance: Arrow Button block.
Enhance: Grid and Grid item blocks.


Bugfix: Fixed typo in plugin header information.


Bugfix: Added unique function names, namespaces, defines.


New: Add first block pattern.
New: Arrow Button block.
Enhance: Grid block.
Enhance: Add block preview examples.
Update: Delete Featured Content and Image + Text blocks, since they can be replaced with the Grid block.
Bugfix: Card block padding.
Bugfix: Aino Buttons block settings.


Enhance: Card block spacing setting.
Enhance: Update block categories.


New: 12-column Grid container block with grid item block.
New: Spacing top/bottom setting Grid container block.
New: Spacing top/bottom setting in Group block.
Enhance: New Block icons.
Enhance: Hero block grid settings.


Enhance: Expanded Hero block media settings and moved setting to inspector.


Enhance: Max width of blocks.
Enhance: Spacing top and bottom inspector setting.


New: Button block font size option (small, medium, large).


Enhance: Deleted custom Hero heading CSS class in order to support Aino Heading font size palette.


New: Spacing top and bottom option with small, medium, large spacing setting. Currently for the blocks Group, Cover, Columns and Featured Content.
New: New 3d Borders button style.
Enhance: Deleted custom Heading font size palette in order to support default Aino theme font size palette. Possible since Gutenberg plugin version 7.9.


New: Heading Font Size Extension: Adds font size option to heading block.


New: Support for Block Collections API. Fixes issue #25


New: Extension Spacing Settings for top and bottom spacing of blocks. Currently available for Aino Featured Content, Group, Cover blocks.
Enhance: Block icon updates. Deleted setting inside toolbar.


New: Featured Content block “media below” option.


Enhance: Editor icons update.
Enhance: Hero block styles.


Enhance: Featured Content block.


Enhance: Hero block.


New: Image & Text Block.


Enhance: Restructure files of existing blocks.


New: Hero Block.
New: Badge Block.


Enhance: Advanced Buttons Block.
Enhance: Featured Content Block.


New: Advanced Button Block.


Initial release.