About the Philippine Tech Community

About the Philippine Tech Community

The rise in the number of tech communities in the Philippines dates back in the early days of the WWW in the Philippines (circa 1995). From mailing lists to BBS, which later evolved into online forums, tech communities in the country began conducting mini-EBs (Eye Balls or what we know now as meetups) to give faces behind the (user)names online.


Here are some of the technologies you can learn from the communities.

Recent News

  • Tips in Setting Up Your Online Community Event

    For the May 2020 Meetup of the Philippine Tech Community Leads, the session focused on sharing challenges, solutions, and tips as tech communities shift to the “new normal”.

  • When Old Meets New: A Recap of the PH Tech Leads 2020 Kickoff

    On January 9, 2020, old and new leaders of the Philippine Tech Community gathered at the BHP office to formally kick off the new year. The meetup was officially started by Ms. Jen Borlaza (BHP) with a quick introduction to BHP (Broken Hill Propriety), a leading global resources company, with interests in the minerals, oil, and gas […]

  • DEVCON Summit CDO 2019 to happen on November 9

    On its third year, DEVCON will once again bring the Biggest Developer Conference in the Philippines to the flourishing city of Cagayan de Oro. With the theme “The Future of Jobs, Embracing Industry 4.0”, this event is set to happen on November 9, 2019 at Capitol University. Bringing together 500 developers from all over Mindanao, […]