What we're about

Open to all those looking to find more wisdom, love, inner peace and spiritual freedom in their lives, through better understanding of dreams, past lives and the personal way the universe speaks to us daily. Move naturally and easily into higher areas of awareness and help life flow in a smoother and happier direction. One form of personal meditation we explore is known as a "Spiritual Exercise". This form of simple meditation, using your creative imagination, strengthens your inner guidance and helps you recognize your true identity as Soul, an eternal and divine spark of God.

Nothing needs to be taken on faith. Experience it yourself.

Have you had one of the following spiritual experiences? Come and share; learn more about connecting to direct guidance and achieving personal growth.

* Past-life recall or having a sense that you have lived before (in a meditation or dream)

* Dreams -- that opened awareness, expanded your consciousness, told of a future event, gave you an answer

* Out-of-body or near death experience * Seeing an inner light

* Hearing an inner sound

* Inner guidance (angel, spiritual master, departed loved one)

* Knowingness (intuition, coincidence, déjà vu)

* Unconditional love (from a family member, friend, pet, etc.)

* Sense of oneness, divine love

* Connection with all life -- greater awareness, feeling of inner peace

Creative techniques are discussed in these Meetups to further explore our inner worlds. Similar to meditation, yet more active, these contemplation techniques, such as singing the ancient love song to God, HU, (pronounced 'hue") helps with self improvement, brings self empowerment through greater inner understanding, opens consciousness, helps in understanding how karma is created, how to work through it, and gives guidance on how to achieve states of Self and God Realization.

HU, this ancient and sacred word for God, can be found in the Jewish Kabala, Christian Gregorian chant, Buddhism, the Sufi teachings, Chinese Taoism, as well as in the path of Eckankar. It is a universal word with a very high vibration. You are invited to try it anytime you would like, either out loud or silently to experience the effects for yourself. (www.hearHU.org)

We warmly welcome you to join us in our events and discussions that take place in all 5 boroughs, Westchester and Rockland – a common meeting ground for all who have had or would like to have a life-changing spiritual experience.

Our group is sponsored by Eckankar. Experience the Light and Sound of God. This ancient spiritual teaching offers spiritual techniques and resources for an individual to discover truth for themselves.

To learn more about Eckankar, go to www.Eckankar.org. You can find out about advanced study and the spiritual exercises of ECK.

Upcoming events (4+)

Online Spiritual Discussion: “In God’s Time and in God’s Way"

“In time of need, help comes if you know how to open yourself sincerely without any preconditions or any ideas that God should act in this way or do this or that.”
—Harold Klemp, "The Language of Soul", p.35

What does the oft heard phrases "In God's Time" or "In God's Way” mean to you?

How can each of us open ourselves to receive the help, the lessons, and blessings, that come from God?
What are ways that we can open our hearts to allow Spirit to bring our awareness to something greater?

You are warmly invited to attend an online spiritual discussion titled “In God’s Time and in God’s Way” on Sunday October 10th from 10:00 am to 11:15 am. Share your stories of receiving God’s help, and listen and learn from the stories of others.

The discussion will be hosted on Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to those who RSVP. You can also join by phone; the phone number will be sent in a later email on the day of the event.

NOTE: We welcome you to invite your friends and family, but please do not forward the meeting link. Ask them to register themselves on Meetup or send a request to [masked] for the link.

When you click the “Attend Online” button to RSVP you may need to login (if you are already a member of this Meetup group) or sign in to create an account.

Please enter the zoom meeting a few minutes early so we can solve any technical issues and start on time.

For more Eckankar events in New York State, please visit our webpage at:

Online: Experience the Sound of Soul

Online event

You’re invited to take a break during your day to rebalance and connect with that divine part of you, Soul. We'll chant HU, a love song to God, for about 20 minutes followed by a few minutes of quiet contemplation. We'll then take time for spiritual discussion and sharing. Feel free to participate for as long as your schedule permits.

HU is a sacred sound and ancient mantra. It is an ancient name for God that has been sung for thousands of years in many lands for spiritual unfoldment. HU can uplift people of any religion, culture, or walk of life.

Experience some of the many benefits of HU:

• Inner peace and calm
• Divine love
• Expanded awareness
• Spiritual self-discovery and growth
• Healing of the heart

This free event will include:

• A short reading or quote
• HU Chant (for 15 to 20 minutes)
• A few minutes contemplative time
• Spiritual Conversation

All are welcome!

“Love is love. And you are that.
HU is the Sound of Soul.”
— Harold Klemp, "The Sound of Soul"

This event will be hosted on Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to those who register. You can also join by phone; the phone number and link will also be sent in an email on the day of the event.

We welcome you to invite your friends and family, but please do not forward the meeting link. Ask them to register themselves on Meetup or send a request to [masked] for the link.

When you click the “Join Online” button to RSVP you may need to login (if you are already a member of this Meetup group) or sign in to create an account.

Please enter the zoom meeting a few minutes early so we can start on time.

For more Eckankar events in New York State, please visit our webpage at:

Online Spiritual Discussion: “Our Greatest Teachers”

"Every experience is a teacher. Keep up with your spiritual exercises. They open your heart to divine love."
—Harold Klemp, "Spiritual Stress Relief ebooklet", p. 11

Who have you learned from in your life?
Are people the only teachers?
Have animals taught you something about life and love?
Have different life situations taught you about yourself?
Have you noticed how your attitude can help you or prevent you from learning about yourself?

You are warmly invited to attend a friendly spiritual discussion titled “Our Greatest Teachers” on Friday, October 15, from 7:30 PM to 8:45 PM. Come share your stories and hear how others have learned from their life lessons.

The discussion will be hosted on Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to those who RSVP. You can also join by phone; the phone number will be sent in a later email on the day of the event.

NOTE: We welcome you to invite your friends and family, but please do not forward the meeting link. Ask them to register themselves on Meetup or send a request to [masked] for the link.

When you click the “Attend Online” button to RSVP you may need to login (if you are already a member of this Meetup group) or sign in to create an account.

Please enter the zoom meeting a few minutes early so we can solve any technical issues and start on time.

For more Eckankar events in New York State, please visit our webpage at:

Online ECK Light & Sound Service: "As You Serve Life—Life Serves You”

"There is nothing to compare with the feeling of being of service to life. Once we get into the higher states of awareness, a dramatic change takes place: Never again are we satisfied to serve only ourselves. In one way or another, we must serve all life."

—Harold Klemp, "The Eternal Dreamer", Mahanta Transcripts, Book 7, page[masked]

• Is there a connection between serving life and being served by others?
• Do you sometimes think you want to serve only if there is a guaranteed reward, or have you discovered that there is an innate benefit in serving life?
• Do you sometimes wonder what it means to serve life?

If you are curious and want to become more aware of the opportunities and gifts of service in your life, you are welcome to join a presentation and conversation on this topic during the ECK Light and Sound Service on October 17, 11:00 am–12:15 pm.

During this service, you can experience singing HU, the ancient name of God, to open your heart to love. Time is set aside to give you the opportunity to share your own stories or just listen, if you prefer, to what other people say about the nature and gifts of service.

In this service, you will also be invited to partake in an easy-to-do spiritual exercise which can help you to find answers to the above questions. These answers will rise from your heart and your inner, deeper wisdom to guide you in living a meaningful and joyful life.

Renate Siegel, a member of the Eckankar clergy, will officiate this service. She has been tuning into the beautiful relationship of giving and receiving the love that is inherent in the act of service.

This event will be hosted on Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to those who register. You can also attend by phone; the phone number and link will also be sent in an email on the day of the event.

You are welcome to invite your friends and family, but please do not forward the meeting link. Ask them to register themselves on Meetup.

When you click the “Attend Online” button to RSVP, you may need to login (if you are already a member of this Meetup group) or sign in to create an account.

Registration is respectfully required through the Meetup Organizer. If you prefer not to join Meetup at this time, you may email a request for this link at: [masked]

Please enter the Zoom meeting a few minutes early so we can start on time.

For more Eckankar events in New York State, please visit our webpage at:

Past events (1,854)

Online: Experience the Sound of Soul

Online event

Photos (394)