Sami Keijonen’s Child Theme and Accessibility Workshops

If you missed Sami Keijonen’s brilliant workshops on creating child themes and theme accessibility, do not worry!

The lessons of the child theme workshop can be learnt by studying this example child theme, Toivo Lite Example.

There are no slides for the accessibility workshop, but you can read through Keijonen’s excellent guest post on Post Status: How to create better, more accessible WordPress themes.

Workshop location

The Saturday workshops are held at Hub Tampere in Finlaysoninkuja 21 A on the 2nd floor. Register here.

From Satakunnankatu, enter the gate to the Finlayson area. Proceed to the end of Itäinenkatu and take a right. Keep going until you see a Rovio sign next to a door with the WordCamp Finland banner stuck to it.

Meet us there at 10.45 on Saturday! If you’re coming later, just go to the second floor and ring the doorbell.

If you get lost, call Daniel 045 6336124 or Antti 050 4305025.