Mendemokrasikan Penerbitan

Kebebasan untuk membina. Kebebasan untuk bertukar. Kebebasan untuk berkongsi.

Misi Kami

WordPress adalah perisian yang direka untuk semua orang, menekankan kebolehcapaian, prestasi, keselamatan, dan kemudahan penggunaan. Kami percaya perisian yang hebat harus berfungsi dengan penyediaan minimum, jadi anda boleh fokus untuk berkongsi cerita, produk, atau perkhidmatan anda secara bebas. Perisian asas WordPress mudah dan boleh diramalkan jadi anda dapat memulakannya dengan mudah. Ia juga menawarkan ciri-ciri hebat untuk perkembangan dan kejayaan.

Kami percaya pada pendemokrasian penerbitan dan kebebasan yang wujud dengan sumber terbuka. Menyokong idea ini adalah komuniti besar orang yang bekerjasama dan menyumbang dalam projek ini. Komuniti WordPress sangat mesra dan inklusif. Kesungguhan penyumbang kami mendorong kejayaan WordPress yang seterusnya membantu anda mencapai matlamat anda.

WordPress contributors work around the globe, and have dedicated countless hours to build a tool that democratizes publishing. WordPress is open source software that is both free and priceless.

The Technology

Learn about WordPress, where it’s been, and where it’s going.

The Details

There’s so much in the details. Stay abreast with the particulars.

The People

Learn about the community and how we get along.

Our Story

WordPress started in 2003 when Mike Little and Matt Mullenweg created a fork of b2/cafelog. The need for an elegant, well-architected personal publishing system was clear even then. Today, WordPress is built on PHP and MySQL, and licensed under the GPLv2. It is also the platform of choice for over 42% of all sites across the web.

The WordPress open source project has evolved in progressive ways over time — supported by skilled, enthusiastic developers, designers, scientists, bloggers, and more. WordPress provides the opportunity for anyone to create and share, from handcrafted personal anecdotes to world-changing movements. People with a limited tech experience can use it “out of the box”, and more tech-savvy folks can customize it in remarkable ways.

Bill of Rights

WordPress is licensed under the General Public License (GPLv2 or later) which provides four core freedoms. Consider this the WordPress Bill of Rights:

Kebebasan Pertama

To run the program for any purpose.

Kebebasan Kedua

To study how the program works and change it to make it do what you wish.

Kebebasan Ketiga

Untuk diedar semula.

Kebebasan Keempat

To distribute copies of your modified versions to others.