
High Res

I stopped working on the High Res theme a long time ago, aside from a few intermittent bug fixes. This was fine for a while, because the Tumblr platform had more or less stabilized and it didn’t need much work.

Last year it started to feel extra creaky, and since 100% of my attention is focused on the lab now I made the decision to pull High Res from sale rather than continue to update it.

Even though it’s getting rusty, it’s not a bad theme and I still get inquiries about it not infrequently, so I’m posting the source code under the MIT License. I can’t offer any support, but you’re welcome to make it suit your needs or turn it into something new.

Thanks to everyone who made High Res a success over the years, and to Noah Kalina for being the original inspiration. I don’t post as much on here anymore, but you can find me on Instagram and Twitter, where I’ve been saying more (dumb) things than usual lately.
