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Database Tools

Results 1-20 of 81
Perl MySQL Backup
This is a Perl Script for MySQL backup, it's support customize multiple database to backup, and how many backup keep on backup directory.
(3 ratings)
Database Scripts Generator
Custom design your own scripts for browsing, searching and displaying flat file databases.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 70.00
Mysql Database frontend like phpMyAdmin Features: create and drop databases, create/drop/alter tables, delete/edit/add fields, manage users, execute SQL statements, manage keys on fields, Search optimize repair dump tables File Explorer, Weblog, Manage Bookmarks and much more
(3 ratings)
FFDPERL - Flat File Database for PERL
SQL command flat file database for perl users. Allows creation of tables, update, and insert of data in to tables and much more to come.
(0 ratings)
Connect to a Paradox database through a DBD::ODBC driver
The script will show you how to create an ODBC connection to a Paradox database, install the DBD::ODBC Perl module and how to use some queries for interrogating a Paradox table in connection with DBI Perl module (a database-independent interface) and the specific DBD driver. Previously you must install BDE (Borland Database Engine) on your computer. Using DBI and DBD you can connect to any kind of database you have in view (not only Paradox).
(3 ratings)
DSN-Less Connection to Access
This is an Example of how to Connect to an Access Database using a DSN-less Connection, using DBI::ODBC. The script uses DBI::ODBC module and was tested on Active Perl 5.8. The script is also easily changeable to use a DSN connection, just as long as you have one set up and spelled correctly.
(0 ratings)
DbBrowser : A free datagrid
How many time have you wrote the same Perl code to display databases records in a datagrid style ? DbBrowser is a Perl module that can help you to stop writing the same thing all your life. DbBrowser module simply need a sql query, DBI and CGI handles and that's enough to get a fully working paginated web datagrid featuring multi columns sort, data export and user defined filtering criteria.
(0 ratings)
Mysql Select Query
This simple script uses the DBI module in order to connect to a Mysql database, retrieves the results from a select query and display the results inside a while statement. There is a live example as a demo.
(3 ratings)
Perl storable module to persist data to disk
Came across the following challenge this week, how do I easily persist data between two independent UNIX sessions. Usually I�d store data in a db or maybe ldap, but I only want to keep maybe a days worth and on multiple servers. In this article, I show two scripts - one which writes using the Perl Storage module and the other that reads. Each call to write, adds to a data file. Which is then extracted from by the read script. I include possible uses, for example recording restarts of a given service. In this instance I did n't want services restarting multiple times, where manual recovery of data would be needed. Also generating multiple alerts and notifications, but again looking to throttle them to a given number of iterations over 24 hours.
(0 ratings)
Whilst working on the automatic production of web statistics - came across the following problem: "How do I get relational data from an Hierarchical structure?" It didn't take long to realize - I'd have to use PHP to talk to LDAP, pull off records & upload into a series of tables, using the cn as primary key. Which then could be queried relationally. Pulling off large, queries and repeatedly transcending LDAP trees is pretty slow - so I built my LDAP to SQL engine, by flattening dns into table names. Then used PHP scripts to query & produce daily snap shots. This is the Perl port of the PHP version.
(0 ratings)
Tired of constantly having to search through your old English books to do a Bibliography? Well, BiblioWizard makes listing your sources as easy as one, two, three.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Enviromental Variables
Using this script you can get the enviromental variables of your server it will help with the installation of other cgi programs
(0 ratings)
Database Converter
If you want to switch your current plain text database to a new CGI script, which uses a different format, Database Converter will do the job for you. Most of the time you will have hundreds of lines of data in a database file, changing it manually to get it ready for a new script would take you a long time. Here's an example: You've been using a search engine CGI for a long time now, but you just found a much better one, such as our own Smart Search :) So you install the new script. Now, you don't want to lose your old search engine database, and it would take forever to convert it manually. Let's say your current database stores info like this "title of site, address, description", and the new one requires info to be in this format "address, webmaster e-mail, title of site, description". Well that would be a little problem, wouldn't it? Not with Database Converter though!
(0 ratings)
Turn your MySQL database into instant XML/RSS feeds! Easy to install and takes minutes to configure. It will drive targeted traffic to your website by allowing other sites to instantly show what you have for sale in real time!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
If you've used the famous 'TreePad' then you know what this is about! Instantly place your TreePad 'hjt' files on your web server and access them from any browser... make edits, changes, all from the comfort of your Internet-connected computer. I describe it as an Explorer for Notepad. Now you can share this data over the Internet now with an online explorer-style viewer. Simply upload your TreePad file and visitors can browse your TreePad the way it was meant to be seen: as a tree. This script allows you to open up whatever HJT files are located in the directory. If you have a family tree file, a journal, some notes all in the same directory then the script prompts you to open the HJT file of your choice. Registered version comes with web online editing capability, searching, password protected nodes, multi-user editing passwords for specific nodes, and unlimited support and updates! Some expected updates: auto folder opening, upload-from-browser capability and more!
(3 ratings)
Custom Perl Database Scripts
Generate instantly online custom perl database scripts with backend features. Many advanced features like paged display of search results, email notification when record added, auto-deletion of record after a set peiod etc
(0 ratings)
Price 60.00
AtomicSoft EasyData/SQL
EasyData/SQL is a web-based database management solution, which uses SQL server for data retrieval and storage. Features: image/binary fields handling, categories, powerful search, automatic record expiration, template-based full layout customization, moderation, access restriction, voting, comments, mass mailing, data import/export, input verification, data backups, modifications logging, search requests analyzer, etc. Supports mySQL and MS SQL Server. Free demo is available.
(24 ratings)
PriceUSD 195.00
CSVupdate � Visitors can update a record in your database
Allow visitors to your website update their information themselves. Provide an ID and Password for each record then the visitor can update one record in the database. The script is very simple to set-up and customize using the look and feel of your own website. (CGI/Perl Unix)
(57 ratings)
@1 Personal Memoranda
Let your website users to submit their personal and business particulars to your searchable database. A record is only added to the database after it has been approved by the administrator. Automatic email notification upon submission, approval or rejection.
(0 ratings)
Price 14.95
Generate online custom CGI-Perl Database Scripts in minutes
Generate CGI-Perl database scripts to your own custom design of your database, also in ASP Access and PhpMySQL, with Add, Search, Edit and Delete functions. A user can edit and delete his own record only, protection being provided by user-selected password. Search results are paginated, the number of records per page being customisable. There are two databases, one for Matrimonial, the other for Classified Advertisements. The site also has Reciprocal Links Exchange Directory
(6 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 81