
Nothing makes a site feel like an extension of your personality more than its look and feel. With WordPress, there are many ways to accomplish this. With a little effort it is easy to make your site as unique and individual as you are! Here are some of the ways you can customize your site.


On, a theme determines the overall layout and design of your site. But themes don’t just change the look and feel of your site, they can also add new features such as a unique home page layout, interactive post sliders, and more!

Learn how to find and customize the right theme for your site.

Check out the theme collection:

Theme Collection screenshot

Widgets and Menus

Customize - Widgets

Widgets are a great way to customize the sidebars (and other special widget-ready areas) of your site.

You can also use Menus to create custom site navigation, drop-down menus, and more, to direct visitors to the important parts of your site.

More Customization Options

Check out the following ways you can continue to personalize your site and take it to the next level:

Customize - More Customization Options

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