
Blogging Business Summit

Posted July 25, 2005 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Events.

What do Boeing, Microsoft, and WordPress have in common? Not much, except we’re all sponsors of the Blog Business Summit taking place August 17–19 in San Francisco. (Hope you weren’t expecting a better punchline.) That’s nice and all, but what does that mean? It means that you get $300 off registration just for being a WordPress user and using this link. If you’re interested in business blogging this is the premier event I know of, and thanks to our partnership you can register cheaper through us than anywhere else. Finally, if you ping or trackback this entry and blog about the summit they’ll take an additional $100 off.

Register for Blog Business Summit with WordPress discount »

We’ll also try to put together a WordPress meetup one of the nights people will be in town.

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  1. Damn, I already signed up. Is this discount valid for people that have already paid?rnTedrn

    Comment from Ted on July 30, 2005

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