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  1. 30. Sept.

    🎉 PHP 8.1 Release Candidate 3 is ready! 🧊 A feature freeze is in operation, and the API and ABI for extensions won't change. Only bug fixes now. ➕ Do: Test your projects! NOW! ➖ Don't: Run it in production. ⏭️ RC 4 in two weeks 🔗 📸 by derickr

    Elephpant at The Quiraing, on Scotland's Isle of Skye
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  2. 23. Sept.

    🎉 We just released PHP 8.0.11, 7.4.24, and 7.3.31. 🔒 Please upgrade, as this is a security release! 🌴 Have you tested the PHP 8.1 Release Candidate yet‽ ⇒ 📸 by

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  3. 2. Sept.

    🎉 PHP 8.1 Release Candidate 1 is ready! 🧊 A feature freeze is in operation, and the API and ABI for extensions won't change. Only bug fixes now. ➕ Do: Test your projects! NOW! ➖ Don't: Run it in production. ⏭️ RC 2 in two weeks 🔗 📸 by

    Elephpant looking out over a foggy valey from a cliff
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  4. 26. Aug.

    🎉 We just released PHP 8.0.10, 7.4.23, and 7.3.30. 🔒 Please upgrade, as this is a security release! 🌴 The PHP-8.1 branch has also been created, preparing for its first Release Candidate, coming out soon. 📸 by

    Bunch of elephpants at the bottom of some steps
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  5. 19. Aug.

    🎉 PHP 8.1.0beta3 is available for testing! 🏁 It's the last beta release, next is Release Candidate 1 in two weeks. ➕ Do: Test your projects! ➖ Don't: Run it in production. It's not fully ready yet. 🔗 📸 by

    Elephpants on a shelf.
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  6. 6. Aug.

    🎉 PHP 8.1.0beta2 is available for testing! ➕ Do: Test your projects! You don't get to complain after GA if it broke something :-) ➖ Don't: Run it in production. It's not fully ready yet. 🔗 📸 by

    Elephpants on a hammock
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  7. 30. Juli

    📢 Listen to Ben, one of the PHP 8.1 Release Managers! Test your code with the PHP 8.1.0beta1 release! 🔗

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  8. 29. Juli

    🎉 PHP 7.4.22 and 8.0.9 have been released! ♻️ They are routine bug fix releases, addressing a number of issues. 👍 Upgrading is recommended. 🔗 🔗 📸 by

    Elephpant rainbow
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  9. 22. Juli

    🎉 PHP 8.1.0beta1 is available for testing! ➕ Do: Test your projects! You don't get to complain after GA if it broke something :-) ➖ Don't: Run it in production. It's not fully ready yet. 🔗 📸 by

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  10. 8. Juli

    🎉 PHP 8.1.0alpha3 released! 📅 Now is the time to check whether your application or library isn't going to break. 🔗

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  11. 1. Juli
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  12. 1. Juli

    🎉 We just released PHP 8.0.8, 7.4.21, and 7.3.29. 🔒 Please upgrade, as this is a security release! 🆕 There are also alpha releases for PHP 8.1 now. We encourage anybody to test their code, and report issues to avoid surprises come release day. 📷 Photo by

    Five shelves with colourful elephpants
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  13. 30. Apr.

    🎉 Yesterday we released PHP 8.0.5, 7.4.18, and 7.3.28. 🔒 Please upgrade, as this is a security release! 🔼 Please note that PHP 7.2 is no longer supported for security releases either, so if you're using that or earlier: UPGRADE! 📷 Photo by

    elePHPant dreaming to go meet his friends at conferences again!
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  14. hat retweetet
    6. Apr.
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  15. 31. März
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  16. 31. März

    ❗A pair of malicious commits were made in the PHP source code repository over the weekend. These commits were immediately noticed and reverted, and never reached end users. Because we're still investigating the root cause, we are putting releases on hold for at least two weeks.

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  17. 4. Feb.

    🎉 It's release day! PHP 8.0.2, 7.4.15, and 7.3.27 are released. 🔒 Please upgrade, as this is a security release! 🔼 Please note that PHP 7.2 is no longer supported for security releases either, so if you're using that or earlier: UPGRADE! Photo by

    A blue, green, pink, and red Elephpant.
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  18. 31. Dez. 2020

    📄 The PHP documentation is now finally on Git! 👓 🔣 The translations for Deutsch, Français, 北京語, 日本語, Portugues do Brasil, русский, Italiano, Română, українська мова, Język polski, en Español are also on GIT →

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  19. 26. Nov. 2020

    🆕 We also have made a new landing page highlighting all the cool new features →

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  20. 26. Nov. 2020

    📢 Look at this! PHP 8 is released. Whoop! 🐘 👏 Thanks to all the developers who have made this possible! 📷 Photo by

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