(Deutsch) Zertifizierungen


Safety, quality and transparency in the digital ecosystem

The demands made on digital advertising are increasing. In addition to valid data on net reach and target groups, which agof has been providing to the market for almost two decades, qualitative criteria such as brand safety and viewability are increasingly determining the placement of online campaigns. agof takes this market development seriously – and is therefore increasingly applying its expertise in the field of quality assurance.

Following aqi (agof qualified inventory), the brand of guarantee for automatic system reconciliation of qualified agof inventory, agof has recently joined forces with the Bundesverband der Digitalen Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. to offer certificates for essential quality features, e.g. viewability, in the digital advertising market.
Logo ZvL
The goal: Clear rules for ensuring high quality standards as well as transparent and, as far as possible, uniform methods and procedures for advertising delivery.

Our offer:

agof qualified inventory (aqi)
The new quality certificates
Certificate Viewability
Code of Conduct Brand Safety

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