CC Copyright Platform Members Share the Stories of Their Projects

Last year, six projects were carried out thanks to funding made available to the Creative Commons Copyright Platform members to drive policy issues affecting the open movement. In this blog post, we’re glad to share the engaging, inspiring articles the project lead wrote on CC’s Medium publication We Like to Share. Preparing Bulgarian GLAMs for … Read More “CC Copyright Platform Members Share the Stories of Their Projects”

Four Creative Commons Working Groups Will Explore Policy Issues. Meet Their Leads!

Throughout 2021, four working groups of the Creative Commons Copyright Platform are undertaking an exploration of policy issues affecting the open ecosystem, in line with the Creative Commons 2021-2026 strategy. In this blog post, we present the four working groups and introduce you to their leads.  Generally, the Platform is a space for copyright and … Read More “Four Creative Commons Working Groups Will Explore Policy Issues. Meet Their Leads!”