Commodities & Futures


Ahead of next month’s climate-change summit in Glasgow, a growing coal crunch is laying bare the challenges in weaning the planet off its most polluting fossil fuel.

October 6, 2021


Cotton futures are trading at their highest price in about a decade, with growing Chinese demand being met in part by rising U.S. exports to China, a curiosity of Trump-era trade-war policies.

October 5, 2021


Exxon says it is closer to its goal of fueling planes and trucks with oil distilled from algae. With government subsidies, it says it is on pace to make algae biofuel commercially viable by the end of the decade.

October 3, 2021


Lumber futures are up almost 40% since late August, in a sign of how some of this year’s surge in the price of raw materials is lingering.

October 1, 2021


It has been a banner year for fossil-fuel, metals and agricultural markets. For many commodity traders, surging prices have caused a credit crunch that is reshaping the industry in favor of the largest players.

September 27, 2021


The recent surge in Covid-19 cases in Southeast Asia has throttled ports and locked down plantations and processors, sparking extended disruptions of raw materials such as palm oil, coffee and tin.

September 17, 2021


Rapidly increasing metal costs are pushing manufacturers to take what steel they can get and hire more people to seek out available supplies.

September 15, 2021


Aluminum prices rose to their highest level in 10 years after a military coup in mineral-rich Guinea threatened to snarl the lightweight metal’s supply chain.

September 6, 2021


Sugar prices shot to four-year highs after a frost in Brazil cut the size of the cane crop in the world’s biggest producer, and hedge funds are adding to the market’s momentum.

September 3, 2021


Investors recently pushed bullish wagers on copper prices to their lowest level in more than a year, a sign that traders are worried that higher supply will cool down this year’s rally.

September 2, 2021