Tag archive for "virtualenv"

I have a vero 4k armhf box I wanted to do some programming on, and as I use salt to configure all my work machines I tried to install a salt minion. The problem is that the machine comes with a preinstall Debian stretch which only has an outdated salt … more

This is an update for my post about automated django deployments Edit 09-2020: I've expanded the script to fetch remote data and load it into the local Django dev instance. Make sure you never run this script anywhere except than a development environment. more

Battleship engine room This post describes a deployment and maintenance method for Django projects that was designed with scalability in mind. The goal is to push new releases into production at any moment with minimal or no downtime. Upgrades can be performed with unprivileged access to the production server, and rollbacks are possible. I use Gunicorn, Fabric and Supervisord in the examples. more

I recently moved my projects to gunicorn and needed init scripts. Here's what I'm currently using. I have the gunicorns running behind nginx, so you might want to tweak the IP and PORT settings. It might also be nice to use start-stop-daemon. more

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