Tag archive for "CSS"

When I started to do web development I worked on the full stack. Back then there wasn't as much to learn as today, even though you had to know a lot about browser quirks and what not. Nowadays I focus on other areas.

CSS-only Terminal


Recently I wanted to nicely format some code, so I made a CSS-only terminal. The reason I think this one is nice is that it doesn't require any superfluous or non-semantic markup. It is very lightweight, which is good, but wasn't made to be interactive. It doesn't mimic any particular … more

How to minify WordPress theme stylesheets properly


If you build WordPress theme you'll eventually come to the point where you want to minify the stylesheets. But the WordPress theming system has a fundamental flaw: It expects theme headers like name, version information etc. to be in the style.css. This is bad because removing the headers from the … more

wp_enqueue_style, versioning and conditional CSS comments


I like to enqueue my CSS styles because it has the benefit of adding a version string. A link like style.css?ver=0.7 is useful because it will force visitors to download an updated style.css when the version number is increased. Here's what I currently use in my functions.php: <?php if ( … more

Shortcodes, include CSS and JS only on the correct blog pages


Not too long ago I wanted to add a new plugin to my blog. During various tests I noticed something quite shocking: at least one of the plugins insisted on loading it's CSS and jquery on every page of my blog. A little more testing showed me that many plugins … more

My favorite Firefox Add-ons


This is about the Firefox Add-ons I use. This really is a complete list, I like to keep my browser lean. I'm fully aware that most people will miss things like Adblock, Pixel perfect and greasemonkey, but I don't use them. Usability Tab Kit: My favorite tab extension. Has many … more

About the nonsense of blocking and annoying IE6 users


I know why most people who do web design, JS coding etc. loathe Internet Explorer 6. I hate having to fix stuff for any IE at all, the web would be a better place if that piece of software just died. I welcome efforts to decrease the market share of … more

Opera and the <noscript> tag


When you build websites and test them in various browsers there always are some problems in some browsers. Usually it's the one you expect who displays things incorrectly. But a few days ago I was surprised when Opera insisted on showing me the contents of a <noscript> tag . The … more

About the CSS3 border radius property


So I have decided to use the CSS3 border-radius property on some sites. They are personal projects so I don't care if they look a little worse on IE. After a few tweakings I've ended up with using things like this: #foo { border-radius: 8px 4px 4px 8px; -moz-border-radius: 8px … more

Different CSS style for logged in WordPress users


Update: I wrote a theme switch plugin that changes the template for logged in users. It's available here. I like to tweak my wordpress theme. And I'm far too lazy to set up a second blog just for development. So I'm looking for a solution to work on my template … more

The biggest CSS annoyance


The biggest CSS annoyance I think this is one of the biggest design flaws, and I see it all the time when I surf the net. What surprises me is that I even see it on sites that have valid code, a nice design and offer valuable services. Seriously, how can somebody miss that … more

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