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Jetpack offers a range tools to help you customize the way your site looks.

Tired of the same old site design? Jetpack offers several features that can help you spruce up your site’s appearance. Whether you want to implement some custom CSS to change your colors and fonts, or speed up your site by delivering your images from’s servers with our savvy image CDN, you can do it all with Jetpack.

Here are some resources to help get you started:

  • Related Posts (Classic Editor) - The Related Posts feature pulls relevant content from your blog to display at the bottom of your posts.
  • Related Posts Block - The Related Posts feature scans all of your posts' contents, analyzes it, and uses that to display contextual posts your visitors might be interested in reading after they're finished with the current post.
  • Lazy Images - Lazy Images makes pages load much faster by only loading visible images, waiting to load images that are offscreen as you scroll down.
  • Customize Search - Like the other Jetpack features, Search includes filters allowing you to customize how Search works and looks. The code snippets below provide examples of some of the filters included in the feature. You can add these code snippets to a functionality plugin, or to your theme’s functions.php file. You can also check Jetpack’s source code […]
  • Search - Jetpack's Search module is a powerful replacement for the search capability built into WordPress.
  • Themes - All Jetpack users have free access to more than 100 starter themes. These gorgeous, elegant, and multi-purpose themes range from classics like Hemingway Rewritten to our newest addition, Lodestar. To browse, preview, and activate themes, start at the Theme Showcase. If you have more than one site, click Switch Site to display the list of all of […]
  • Content Options - Content Options allows site owners to make small visual modifications across their site, like hiding the post date or displaying an excerpt instead of a full post.
  • SEO Tools - Optimize your site for search engines and social media by taking advantage of our SEO tools. This feature is available in the Jetpack Professional Plan.
  • Site Breadcrumbs - The Site Breadcrumbs feature provides a basic breadcrumb navigation function for your theme to use on single pages on Jetpack-powered sites. Site Breadcrumbs will be displayed in a unique way, consistent with that theme’s design. Adding Support Theme developers can add support for Site Breadcrumbs by including the jetpack_breadcrumbs() function in their theme’s singular page template file (i.e. page.php), and […]
  • Social Menu - Social Menu allows site owners to create a new menu location, used to display links to Social Media Profiles.
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