PHP 8.1.0 RC 3 available for testing


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jcastromail at yahoo dot es
3 years ago
Performance of constants.  PHP 7.1.10 32 bits (Opcache active, windows 10 i7-64bits) but apparently the trends is the same with the 5.x

using a constant declared by DEFINE('CNS',value) : 0.63575601577759s
using a constant declared by const CNS=value : 0.61372208595276s
using a variable declared by $v=value : 0.51184010505676s

In average, the use of DEFINE and CONST is around the same with some sightly  better performance of CONST instead of DEFINE. However, using a variable is around 10-50% better than to use a constant.  So, for a performance intensive task, constant is not the best option.

for($i=0;$i<50000000;$i++) {

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