As a long-term deep appreciator of Sonny Rollins I very grateful that you surfaced this article- thank you!
@Matt. Thanks for posting this link. I saw the title in my NYT feed and thought, “it can’t be THE Sonny Rollins, must be some other dude with the same name,” so I never even clicked on it. Then I saw it in your feed and thought “Hmmm, @Matt is into jazz, maybe it is is THE Sonny Rollins.” 🙂
Sonny Rollins is on WordPress (WP)!
It’s Quincy Jones’ 87th birthday and he’s also on WP! Can we get a WP roll call?
Matt, one thing that has been on my mind for some time is urging “the powers that be” to consider naming an upcoming WP theme release after a living artist—and not just jazz! I was going to drop that in the WP Tavern to start a little trouble, but… In honor of Roland Kirk, check out this King Super-20 neck I re-corked a few years ago:
BTW, I’m now more than a year in on my third WP-powered membership site geared toward jazz education. Quamon Fowler was the first; Bob Reynolds, second; and now, Greg Fishman. It was a sequential progression and each site helped me to grow musically. I didn’t expect that when I first discovered WP in 2008. Cheers…and WP-4-Life!!!
3 replies on “Sonny Rollins Interview”
As a long-term deep appreciator of Sonny Rollins I very grateful that you surfaced this article- thank you!
@Matt. Thanks for posting this link. I saw the title in my NYT feed and thought, “it can’t be THE Sonny Rollins, must be some other dude with the same name,” so I never even clicked on it. Then I saw it in your feed and thought “Hmmm, @Matt is into jazz, maybe it is is THE Sonny Rollins.” 🙂
Sonny Rollins is on WordPress (WP)!
It’s Quincy Jones’ 87th birthday and he’s also on WP! Can we get a WP roll call?
Matt, one thing that has been on my mind for some time is urging “the powers that be” to consider naming an upcoming WP theme release after a living artist—and not just jazz! I was going to drop that in the WP Tavern to start a little trouble, but… In honor of Roland Kirk, check out this King Super-20 neck I re-corked a few years ago:
BTW, I’m now more than a year in on my third WP-powered membership site geared toward jazz education. Quamon Fowler was the first; Bob Reynolds, second; and now, Greg Fishman. It was a sequential progression and each site helped me to grow musically. I didn’t expect that when I first discovered WP in 2008. Cheers…and WP-4-Life!!!