Welcome to the official website of Peacespark Foundation!

Kindling a spark of peace, harmony, and support for the underprivileged

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting individuals so they can live independently in our community

At Peacespark Foundation, we support underprivileged individuals - especially women, children, and the elderly, through social development initiatives to help them achieve peace, harmony, and self-actualization.

How can we help

Our goal is to empower vulnerable groups of individuals – women, children, elderly individuals, and the needy, through constant support, education, and social development services. Here are some of the services that we offer for vulnerable communities

Educational Assistance

Skills Training

Financial Assistance


Book Collection

Natural Calamities

Motivation and Mindfulness

Women empowerment


Get Involved

There are many ways to help our cause

We would never be able to achieve our goals without the support of our volunteers. Come join us in our journey to make the world a better place for vulnerable communities!


Make a donation to Peacespark to help support our initiatives. You can avail tax exemption for your donations, under Section 80G of the Income Tax act.


Join our team of spirited volunteers who work tirelessly to bring a smile to the faces of the people around us!

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