Support » Theme: Coldbox » Coldbox Addon causing issues with Elementor and GDPR plugins

  • I deactivated the Coldbox Addon after which the Elementor and GDPR Plugins started working fine.
    Has the Coldbox Addon been updated? I didn’t have the issue with Elementor till sometime this month. Please check and let me know if there is something that I can do to make sure the addon works with Elementor and GDPR.

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  • Theme Author Toshihiro Kanai


    No, I didn’t push any updates to the plugin in recent months. Could you tell me a little bit more detail on how the addon plugin is not working with the other plugins so that I can improve the compatibility with the plugins.

    Thread Starter valziesboutique


    When I use Coldbox Add On, and try to open Elementor, it gives me an error message. I cant proceed until I use Elementor in Safe Mode. Also, the GDPR plugin didn’t work till I deactivated Coldbox AddOn.

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