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Swahilipot Hub –  a Technology, Creatives and Heritage Space,  is non-profit organization based in Mombasa that focuses on inspiring and nurturing entrepreneurs and creatives through networking, technical training, support, professional mentoring and coaching. 

We bring together tech and creative communities, entrepreneurs, investors and donors and provide them an opportunity to share knowledge, learn, find mentors and expound on ideas that will lead to the development of new innovations in Kenya and globally at large.

We are a Tech, Creative & Heritage Hub


Together with our partners, we focus on creating a widespread culture of innovation in the coastal counties of Kenya. Our aim is to inspire innovators, policy makers, funders, corporations, researchers, and other players to take risks on new ideas and trends, collaborate across sectors, and transform the Kenyan Coastal region through the scaling of innovation.

Creative & Art

We believe that the Creative Industry can be a significant earner to the economy. At Swahilpot, we nature talent at its young age so that when ready to be exposed to the world, it is refined, redefined and re-energized. We achieve this through; Talent development and management, mentorship and training such as financial literacy and intellectual property rights.


Swahilipot Hub is a heritage hub because we are located on a historic land, right behind The Fort Jesus Museum in Old Town, Mombasa. Within the hub, we “teach” and practise Swahili Culture at all times even in the midst of all the technology around us. We also believe we are history in the making as we are changing lives one day at a time, with both technology and art.

Explore the hub spaces

Coworking space
Coworking space
Bring your laptop, pick a spot, and get to work.
Monthly hot or dedicated desk spaces.
Access our state of the art Board room for your meetings.
Private Meeting Room
Community Space
Community Space
Access the open workspace area. Bring your laptop, pick a spot, and get to work.
Shared amenities
Event Space
Event Space
We can offer events space to host over 50 guests – in a variety of set ups.
Private amenities

Upcoming Events

What the community say about the Hub

Our Reach & Impact

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    Swahiliot Hub Updates
