Meditation for a
happier, healthier you.

Learn to meditate from the world’s
top mindfulness experts.  


It’s all in the app

With the Ten Percent Happier app, you’ll discover guided meditations and practical teachings you can carry anywhere.


The best teachers on the planet

Our meditation teachers are renowned leaders in the field. And because everyone is different, they offer a variety of approaches so you can find the best for you.


Anushka Fernandopulle

Anushka has practiced meditation for over 25 years, including four years in full-time intensive training in monasteries and retreat centers in the US, India and Sri Lanka.


Sharon Salzberg

A towering figure in the meditation world, Sharon Salzberg is a prominent teacher & New York Times best-selling author. She has played a crucial role bringing mindfulness and lovingkindness practices to the West.


Joseph Goldstein

Joseph is one of the most respected meditation teachers in the world -- a key architect of the rise of mindfulness in our modern society -- with a sense of humor to boot.


Take it from our users

“To say the app was life-changing for me sounds like marketing jargon, but I mean it sincerely.”  

- paulrflynn
