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Online Malls

Results 1-2 of 2
Flea Market Mall v4.0
It's the dawn of a new age! The Entrepreneur! Never before in history has so many, decided to do so much, in bettering their position in life! Everyone has something going on the side to make ends meet, hoping to make it big and Permanent some day! Well that day is here with Flea Market MALL � Use Flea Market MALL � to create a 21st Century e-commerce E~MALL �, Flea~Market � or E~Market � online community! With Flea Market Mall you have unlimited growth potential, it can create an unlimited number of shops, limited only by how much hard drive space you have on your server!! Fully automatic, it creates on demand an e-commerce ready, 0nline Store that you lease to a fellow Entrepreneur! The Entrepreneur can administer his Kiosk (Booth, Store, Shop, Showroom, etc.) right online thru their browser! From putting in product info to uploading the product picture, Everything is fill in the blanks simple! With the new On Hand Inventory feature, That lets your customers know at a glance,
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 299.95
Dansie Shopping Cart Mall Version
posted bycartinOnline Malls
Dansie Shopping Cart Mall Version can handle an unlimited number of merchants simply by creating extra directories in your cgi-bin with the respective merchants names. Each merchant can have the cart speak the language of their choice, their own custom variables, own real-time credit card processor, etc. Orders will be emailed directly to the individual merchant. It also has a built-in web based upload utility feature that allows merchants to login and upload their files 24 hours a day with their web browser.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Results 1-2 of 2