Open Sharing Is Caring: A Valentine’s Day Challenge

February is the time to share virtual hugs, chocolates, and witty cards with family and friends for Valentine’s Day ♥️ (or “Friend’s Day” in Finland!)  This Valentine’s Day, we want you to share something a little different: your creative work.  In our Open Sharing is Caring challenge, we’re asking you to openly share an image, song, artwork, research paper, poem, GIF…whatever it … Read More “Open Sharing Is Caring: A Valentine’s Day Challenge”

Smithsonian Open Access (Social Graphic)

Smithsonian Releases 2.8 Million Images + Data into the Public Domain Using CC0

The Smithsonian—the world’s largest museum and research institution—announced yesterday  Smithsonian Open Access, an initiative that removes copyright restrictions from 2.8 million digital collection 2D and 3D images and nearly two centuries of data. This major initiative uses CC0—Creative Commons’ public domain dedication tool—to make millions of images and data freely available to the public. “Our … Read More “Smithsonian Releases 2.8 Million Images + Data into the Public Domain Using CC0”


Join Us in Washington D.C. to Celebrate Culture and Heritage on Public Domain Day

Creative Commons is pleased to be a part of the second annual Public Domain Day celebration held in Washington D.C. on January 30, 2020!  In collaboration with the Internet Archive, the Institute for Intellectual Property & Social Justice, the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property, and SPARC, this event will “bring together a diverse group … Read More “Join Us in Washington D.C. to Celebrate Culture and Heritage on Public Domain Day”

Portrait de l'écrivaine libertaire et féministe Caroline Rémy dite Séverine (1855-1929), sur son balcon.

Paris Musées Releases 100,000+ Works Into the Public Domain

The Paris Musées’ recently released more than 100,000 works under Creative Commons Zero (CCØ), putting the works into the public domain. They also released their collections’ Application Programming Interface (API), allowing users to “recover, in high definition, several royalty-free images and their records from cross-searches on the works.” Users can scroll through the collection via … Read More “Paris Musées Releases 100,000+ Works Into the Public Domain”

Save the Date: Public Domain Day 2020 Is Happening in January in Washington, D.C.

Creative Commons is thrilled to announce that the second Public Domain Day celebration is happening on January 30, 2020 in Washington, D.C. We’re working with our friends at the Internet Archive, the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property at American University Washington College of Law, Creative Commons USA, the Institute for Intellectual Property & … Read More “Save the Date: Public Domain Day 2020 Is Happening in January in Washington, D.C.”