Just a quick update We didn’t have a…

Just a quick update.

We didn’t have a formal dev chat on 8th or 16th. We’re still pressing forward with 2.4. Also there 2.3.2 was released which had a few updates.

The main thing right now is to keep working on 2.4. Also, if you haven’t already, test jmdodd’s hierarchal replies patch for #2036. For real, lot’s of testing on this. 🙂

Lastly, with the discovery of #2334 (http://bbpress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/2334) there is certainly a possibility of a 2.3.3 release in the near future.

bbPress dev chat summary May 1, 2013

Today’s dev chat was very brief. Since last week jjj pushed 2.3.1 which had a few minor fixes.

Notably it contained a fix for posting code and further refined the new back tick feature ( ` ). There is no need to use <code> or <pre> when posting lines/blocks of code, simply wrap the code in a ` (if you use GitHub or Markdown it is the same concept) and we take care of the rest.

Also in 2.3.1 the “visual tab” of the TinyMCE/fancy editor was turned off by default. The visual tab is great in theory but we’ve seen a slew of issues with it such as code being reformatted, mangled, etc. For users who really need it back (and don’t post code in their forums) they can either use this snippet or this plugin to bring back the visual mode.

Aside from the 2.3.1 release we are just moving forward with the 2.4 tickets.

MZAWeb also talked about looking into getting Alex Mill’s SyntaxHighlighter plugin working with bbPress now that we have the code posting sorted out.

bbPress dev chat summary April 24, 2013

Since we forgot to whip up a summary of last week’s meeting, I felt compelled to make this week’s thorough 🙂

Tickets worth noting

  • #2036 – Hierarchal replies – jmdodd has put up a monster patch. This feature is ready to testing. Test, test, test. Break it if you can and report back. This is going to be one of the showcase features in 2.4. We are in the fortunate position to have this pretty far along early into the 2.4 release. It would be idea if we could get this tested and committed earlier in the 2.4 cycle thus giving those testing/running trunk and the bbPress Beta plugin time to do further testing.
  • #2283 – Theme compat fixes and resets. bbPress has pretty darn good theme compat as it stands now, but low and behold there are themes out there that put this to the test daily. A good potion of the topics in the support forums are form users who simply activated bbPress and out of the gate the bbPress styes exploded. We’ll never get around this, but we can certainly improve where we can. If this happens on one of your installs please report it in this ticket. There is already a patch to clean up some issues introduced by the search feature as well as theme’s doing weird styling to <ul>s and <li>s.
  • #459 – Making moderation forum specific – jmdodd is going to look at this when #2036 is solid. Another much requested feature. Would be nice to get into 2.4 if possible.
  • #1799, #1649 – ‘bump’ functions and user counters. jjj’s got these covered I believe.


Currently there is a whole slew of tickets that already have patches, 14 at the moment. Hopefully in the next week or so these can but updated/committed as needed which will help thin out the 2.4 milestone.

Posting code

Currently there is a bug when posting code in a topic or reply. If you are not an admin and try to post XML/HTML it will be stripped as those tags will not match the white list available for participants. We’re going to look at what can be done to escape text within <code> blocks before it’s processed by kses. Alex Mills’ SyntaxHighlighter should be a good place to start and we might be able to emulate much of the process based on what he does in his plugin.

Just a reminder The WP dev chat time…

Just a reminder. The WP dev chat time was changed as and a result we have updated ours as well. The bbPress weekly dev chat will now be (back) at 21:00 UTC (4pm central).

We’re going to be taking a break from…

We’re going to be taking a break from our weekly dev chats for a few weeks to enjoy the holidays. We’ll pick up things again on Wednesday January 2nd, 2013.

The new search feature (#1575) is in trunk so feel free to have some fun with that. Hope everyone has a great Festivus 😉

Had a productive dev chat today jjj was…

Had a productive dev chat today. jjj was out but we still covered a few things. You can read the transcript here.

  • #1575 – bbPress search (jmdodd). jmdodd is making very good progress and pressing on. This is going to be a killer feature in 2.3 – I’d say the showcase feature for the release. She said in a week or so she will likely have a very solid patch that will be ready for some heavy testing.
  • #1694 and #1799 – we skipped over these as jjj was out, but they should be mostly done (completely my guesstimate). Will revisit next week.
  • #2036 – Hierarchal replies (jmdodd). Haven’t done much with this since she has been dominated #1575. Depending on the release schedule we decide for 2.3 it can either be punted to 2.4 or attempted for 2.3. General consensus was ideally 2.3 will go out the door sooner than later to let everyone have the search goodness, in which case punting it would be A-OK.
  • #1478 – Profile pages have error404 class in some cases (jjj). Still needs to be looked at and given more thought.
  • #2054 – Reset/set CSS styling on some in the bbPress content areas (jared). Patch needs testing with non-default themes, but should be solid. Are there any other elements we need to reset? jmdodd suggested looking to see what else is in kses.
  • #2067 – Firefox bug causing recent topics/replies on profile to not show. If using the overflow fix does the job, then its a simple CSS change and boom – done.
  • #1917 – Tabindex issue. MZAWeb is going to take the inline JS, move it to a seperate file – possibly topics.js if thats all that is needed – and see if that fixes things so we can close this out (again).
  • netweb is wrangling all those importer tickets and doing some serious damage on them, most should be wrapped up soon.
  • MZAWeb made a great utility for sticking filler content in bbPress and it’s available on GitHub.
  • Lastly we talked about the templates in /extras. It’s been pointed out that some of them are wonky in TwentyTwelve. Nothing major, but slightly annoying. We can try and test them all for 2012 in time for 2.3 or punt to 2.4. Nothing complicated, just tedious as when we perform any fixes we’ll want to check them against 2010/2011 to make sure we aren’t breaking stuff. netweb suggested we do this before BuddyPress 1.7 is live, which means it would need to be done in 2.3.

Until next week!

We’re planning on having our weekly dev chat…

We’re planning on having our weekly dev chat meeting again this week (same time). We took of last week as everyone was busy. Since our last meeting there have been a number of solid commits which you can catch up on via trac if needed.

Things are rolling right along with 2.3. As of now we have 23 tickets open (20 closed) however the majority of those are minor. Here are some of the tickets/topics for this week’s dev chat.

Check in on the big 2.3 features:

  • #1575 – bbPress search (jmdodd). Very solid work so far with some great patches. Should we wait for next pass to be finished to start heavy testing?
  • #1694 – User counter functions for topics/replies (jjj)
  • #1799 – “Bump” functions to replace recounts (jjj). Patch was added a few weeks ago, does it need testing etc?
  • #2036 – Hierarchal replies (jmdodd). Worth punting to 2.4 in favor of letting jmdodd focus on #1575?

Other tickets to discuss:

  • #1478 – Profile pages have error404 class in some cases (jjj). A few work arounds were have been brought up, are any of them solid enough to run with?
  • #2054 – Reset/set CSS styling on some in the bbPress content areas (jared). Patch is posted, needs testing but should be close.
  • #2067 – Firefox bug causing recent topics/replies on profile to not show. Several work arounds posted, just need to pick one and patch it up.
  • #1917 – Tabindex issue. Patch was made and committed  however in certain cases things are still weird which is likely due to the load order or jQuery not being loaded.

That covers the larger tickets. A few other things we can discuss if time allows:

  • Those users having role/cap issues with 2.2.x, what should we be recommending? Is there a reset? Best advice to give?
  • 1 BuddyPress ticket, #2038. OP has steps to reproduce, anyone tried it?
  • #1932 might be a WordPress issue, in which case could be closed/punted?
  • 2 tickets for small documentation things #1920 and #2037.
  • 5 tickets relating to Importers. #1874, #1884, #1899, #2074 and #1991. The latter being the biggest. Some of these will likely get punted.

Lastly, congrats to jmdodd for earning core comit access and a big thanks to those who helped with 2.2.3!