OneTrust Consent & Preference Management

Today’s consumers are increasingly concerned with protecting their personal data. Additionally, customers also demand more personalized experiences. This creates a challenge for marketers, advertisers and publishers to respect their customers’ privacy while also driving opt-ins, marketing consent, and preferences, collecting first-party data, and delivering compelling user experiences.

OneTrust provides the toolset for marketers to bring privacy and personalization together through transparency, choice, and trust.

OneTrust PreferenceChoice

With OneTrust PreferenceChoice, you can manage marketing consent and preferences, plus first-party data of your customers. Organizations focused on building trust with their audiences leverage our tools to empower customers with choice and transparency to earn trust and fuel loyalty.

Be Transparent

Help customers understand the data that you hold on them, how you may collect additional personal data, and the policies and procedures in place to protect that data.

Empower & Educate

Go beyond transparency to provide customers control of their personal information – allowing them to not only understand your policies and the data held, but to take action if desired.

Deliver Value

Build a user experience to show your commitment to privacy and data protection, and provide a value exchange through personalized content, products, and services.

Understand the Privacy Health of Your Websites and Apps

Scan your websites and apps to understand how they track and collect personal information from your customers in order to deliver compliant and transparent user experiences.

Increase Opt-In Consent Rates and Reduce Unsubscribes

Empower your audience to control their privacy preferences across domains, web forms, point of sale, and offline while using dashboards, reporting, and A/B testing to improve your opt-ins, consent, and subscription rates

Leverage low-code / no-code approach to deploy collection points and preference centers

Use out-of-the-box templates and integrations built for changing privacy regulations and transparent user expectations without relying on developers or your web team to update collection points or preference centers

Build your proprietary data set and future-proof your first-party data strategy

Bridge the gap between privacy and personalization to earn trust with your audience through transparency, education, and clear value exchange to collect more data directly from customers to prepare for changes like the end of third-party cookies

Get Started with OneTrust PreferenceChoice

Ready to see how OneTrust can help you operationalize your consent and preference management initiatives? Request a 1:1 demo with our experts to learn more today.


PreferenceChoice Products

CCPA Opt-Out of Sale

Universal Consent Management

Collect, centralize, and sync consent across domains, platforms, and systems to respect customer privacy and comply with 100s of global privacy regulations

Preference Management

Collect preferences and first-party data from collection points and preference centers, centralize data, and integrate with other systems to drive personalization, trust, and loyalty

Cookie Consent

Collect valid consent and demonstrate compliance on your website with the most widely used cookie consent solution – live on over 350,000 websites

Mobile App Consent

Understand the tracking done in your mobile apps and deliver transparent and tailored user experiences to capture valid consent

OTT & CTV Consent

Capture consent for tracking and targeted advertising in over-the-top (OTT) and connected TV (CTV) applications

Consent Rate Optimization

Maximize consent rates through A/B testing and reduce consent fatigue by authenticating consumers across devices and browsers while ensuring compliance with privacy regulations

CMP for Publishers

Deliver unified customer experiences across devices and domains and maximize opt-ins and ad revenue while complying with privacy regulations and frameworks like IAB TCF

Make Trust a Competitive Advantage

Transparency and trust with customers goes beyond consent and preference management. The most successful consent & preference management programs are integrated with the broader privacy, security, and data governance initiatives in an organization. Learn how OneTrust helps bring privacy, legal, and marketing teams together in a single platform for trust.


Recommended Resources


Trust: A Marketer's Competitive Edge

+ Download Now


OneTrust PreferenceChoice Virtual Events

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The ROI for Marketers: Breaking Down Consent and Preferences

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What Comes After Third-Party Cookies?

+ Download Now


Best Privacy Practices for Marketers

+ Watch Now


Make First-Party Data Work for Your Marketing Strategy

+ Read Now


KuppingerCole Leadership Compass: Download the Report

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WTF is Consent Management?

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