OneTrust for Publishers

Pave the Way to Privacy-First Personalization

OneTrust for Publishers delivers technology that enables businesses to power their customers with control over their consent to sharing data, leading to better segmentation, personalization and addressability across devices, all while meeting compliance requirements using the most widely used consent management platform (CMP) for web, mobile, OTT and CTV applications.

Provide Choice, Build Trust

OneTrust enables publishers to protect and respect end user data, while delivering personalized experiences that are rooted in privacy-first strategies.

Demonstrate Transparency

Empower your audience with tools to control their consent and preferences

Future-Proof Revenue

Monetize content in new ways based on first-party data and integrations with ID solutions ​

Scale Across Devices

Support for web, mobile apps, OTT, AMP and offline consent and preference collection

OneTrust Solutions for Publishers

Drive Opt-Ins Through Optimization​

  • Build your CMP using out-of-the box templates balance compliance requirements with your brand’s approach to user experience
  • Easily customize CMP variations with slightly different modifications, such as placement, color, or text, to test which variation gains higher opt-ins
  • Experiment with template designs, including colors, layouts, text, and more, using A/B testing to determine which variant generates the highest conversions

Boost Revenue and Addressability ​

  • Customize the user experience with consent prompts based on context or re-prompting
  • Support header bidding and monetize content in new ways based on first-party data
  • Generate consistent revenue from subscribers using a paywall UI

Centralize and Signal Valid Consent Downstream​

  • ​Simplify compliance with CCPA, GDPR, ePrivacy, IAB Europe TCF v2.o, DAA AdChoices and 100s of others
  • Effectively collect, store, manage and provide proof of user consent across digital assets and physical data collection points
  • Signal privacy-first consent downstream to SSPs, Pre-Bid and other ad tech vendors ​

Authenticate Users Across Devices ​

  • Easily manage and optimize user consent collection on all your channels, including mobile, web and OTT
  • Use direct API calls and native SDKs built for each platform and the corresponding actions to set and read consent and preferences across a variety of platforms
  • Authenticate end users using identity-based signals and apply a cookie-less sync across devices

Support for Industry Frameworks and Technologies

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Products for Publishers


Collect, store and signal trust-driven consent and preferences downstream to ad tech partners.

Mobile App Consent

Manage consent and scan apps to understand how your app is sharing data.

OTT/CTV App Consent

Provide choice and transparency in Over-the-Top (OTT) and Connected TV (CTV) applications.

Consent Rate Optimization

Maximize consent rates and improve personalization while respecting privacy.

The Most Widely Used Consent Management Platform


Live Websites & Apps

4.1+ Billion

Total Monthly Devices

31 Million

Categorized Cookies

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Recommended Recources


OneTrust CMP Leads the Consent Management Market: Used on 350,000+ Websites and Apps

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New 2021 PublisherConnect Chapter Meetings: A webinar series for Publishers by OneTrust

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Apple Releases New iOS 14 Privacy Features

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