OneTrust for CCPA

Complete Solution to Implement the CCPA

OneTrust for CCPA

Effective January 1, 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) introduces new data privacy rights for California residents – forcing companies that conduct business in the state of California to implement structural changes to their privacy programs.


OneTrust helps organizations of all sizes simplify time to CCPA
compliance with a purpose-built suite of technology solutions and professional services. With OneTrust, your organization can pinpoint where personal data resides and how it is used, streamline your ability to manage and respond to consumer rights and opt-out or Do Not Sell requests.


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OneTrust for CCPA

2020 Master Class Webinar Series

Evolve your CCPA Program I Approaches for Opt-Out I Policy & Notice
Training Requirements I CPREA I Latest AG Guidance

Complete Solution to Implement the CCPA

CCPA Research & Readiness

Become a CCPA expert with research portals and prepare to report to your board with CCPA maturity & planning and program benchmarking tools.

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CCPA Privacy Management Software

Operationalize and automate CCPA requirements across opt-out of sale, consumer rights, and privacy governance operations.

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CCPA Professional Services

Get help planning and implementing the CCPA with a CCPA readiness check up, and our implementation and validation services.

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CCPA Global User Community

Collaborate with industry peers on best practices on implementing the CCPA at free PrivacyConnect workshops, and in customer advisory boards.

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CCPA Privacy Management Software

Operationalize and Automate CCPA Requirements

CCPA Consumer Rights & Opt-Out of Sale Solutions

Engage and Respond to Consumer Requests

CCPA Compliance
Consumer Rights & Targeted Data Discovery™

Intake and fulfill opt-out of sale requests, and consumer requests for personal information access and deletion.

CCPA Compliance
Website & Mobile App Cookie Compliance

Enable opt-out of sale on websites and provide an opt-out for advertising and data collection cookies on websites and apps.​

CCPA Compliance
Consent & Preference Management

Track verifiable consent and sync across systems to avoid unauthorized sale of consumer data.

CCPA Compliance
Policy & Notice Management

Centralize and distribute policies, notices & disclosures.

CCPA Privacy Governance Solutions

Map Data Flows for Ongoing Compliance

CCPA Compliance
Data Inventory & Mapping

Map CCPA data flows for California consumer data flows ​ and meet CCPA ‘look back’ requirements.

CCPA Compliance
Assessment Automation

Distribute CCPA-based PIAs and PbD to verify ongoing processes meet requirements and keep data map updated.

CCPA Compliance
Incident & Breach Response

Meet California & US breach notification rules, and over 300 international and state regulations, all built-in to OneTrust.

CCPA Compliance
Vendor Risk Management

Assess vendors against CCPA requirements, and ​ efficiently navigate CCPA ‘cure periods’.​

CCPA Research and Readiness

Become a CCPA Expert and Report to Your Board

CCPA Compliance DataGuidance

CCPA Research Portal & Amendment Tracker

CCPA Research Portal & Amendment Tracker

Use OneTrust DataGuidance to access a centralized repository of CCPA resources that includes the full CCPA text, summaries, comprehensive guides, and regulatory guidance, as well as a CCPA amendment tracker. OneTrust DataGuidance is continually updated by the OneTrust global research team and includes latest amendments, news, and guidance.

Generate Your CCPA Readiness Report & Answer Key Questions from Your Board

Generate Your CCPA Readiness Report & Answer Key Questions from Your Board

With the OneTrust Maturity & Planning and Program Benchmarking tools, leverage a research-backed CCPA readiness and planning assessment to assess your organization’s CCPA gaps and assess remediation recommendations to minimize risks. Opt-in to share your readiness and benchmark your program against 300+ other organizations.

CCPA Compliance Maturity & Benchmarking

CCPA Consumer Rights & Opt-Out of Sale Solutions

Engage and Respond to Consumer Requests

CCPA Compliance

OneTrust Consumer Rights & Targeted Data Discovery Technology

Intake & Fulfill Opt-Out of Sale &
Consumer Requests

The CCPA stipulates a 45-day response timeline for consumer rights requests. OneTrust Consumer Rights Management fully automates this process from intake to fulfillment utilizing Targeted Data Discovery technology. Leverage CCPA-specific response workflows to help your organization respond to requests appropriately, and with built-in exception handling, reduce unnecessary work, ensuring you meet CCPA compliance deadlines.

OneTrust Website & Mobile App Cookie Compliance

Enable Opt-Out of Sale Requests

Personal information under the CCPA is broadly defined and includes internet or other electronic network activity information, unique identifiers (which include cookies), and information regarding a consumer’s interaction with a website, application, or advertisement. OneTrust offers default cookie banners that reflect CCPA-specific messaging. Using geolocation, OneTrust can display different cookie banners with different consent models depending on the website visitor’s location and can be customized to include a “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” link.

CCPA Compliance
CCPA Compliance

OneTrust Consent & Preference Management

Track Verifiable Consent to Avoid Unauthorized Sale of Consumer Data

Under the CCPA, the right to opt out of the sale of personal information extends beyond the consumer to include devices and households. Via OneTrust, track do not sell requests by consumers, devices, and households.

OneTrust Policy & Notice Management

Centralize & Distribute Privacy Disclosures

Under the CCPA, privacy policies must be reviewed and updated at least every 12 months. The OneTrust Policy & Notice Management tool enables your organization to easily update, centralize, and distribute policies, notices, and disclosures across all web and mobile properties from a single platform. Update privacy notices to include consumers rights under the CCPA and direct consumers to a Consumer Rights intake form. Use OneTrust to ensure privacy notices include the categories of information collected, sold, and disclosed, or explicitly state if no personal information is sold.

CCPA Compliance

CCPA Privacy Governance Solutions

Map Data Flows for Ongoing Compliance

CCPA Compliance Data Mapping

OneTrust Data Mapping & Inventory

Map Data Flows & Meet ‘Look Back’ Requirement

OneTrust Data Inventory & Mapping technology is a core asset for those seeking to prepare for the CCPA. CCPA-specific data elements built into OneTrust help your organization track key attributes when mapping data for CCPA compliance. Additionally, leverage bulk importing capabilities to attach CCPA-specific data elements to existing data.​

OneTrust Assessment Automation

Distribute CCPA-based PIAs & PbD Assessments

Assessments are core to the development of every comprehensive privacy program. OneTrust Assessment Automation offers updated, CCPA-specific PIAs to adhere to data minimization and purpose limitation considerations outlined under the CCPA. With Assessment Automation, take advantage of automated CCPA-specific risk flagging and research-backed remediation recommendations.

CCPA Compliance PIA
CCPA Compliance Incident and Breach

OneTrust Incident & Breach Response

Meet California Breach Notification Rules

Taking a proactive approach to incident and breach response, regardless of which data breach notification or privacy laws apply, helps decrease risks and other potential negative impacts should a breach occur. OneTrust Incident & Breach Response enables your organization to analyze incidents with a built-in, California Data Breach Notification assessment template. With customizable workflows, streamline response and quickly remedy a violation within the CCPA’s 30-day cure period.

OneTrust Vendor Risk Management

Assess Vendors & Navigate CCPA ’Cure Periods’

Leverage OneTrust Vendor Risk Management to communicate with third-party vendors to meet consumer requests for data access and deletion. Additionally, generate visuals to map vendors and data flows state by state and around the world.

CCPA Compliance Vendor Risk Management
Get Started with OneTrust for CCPA Today
Let one of our privacy solution experts take you on a tour of our purpose-built suite of technology solutions for implementing the CCPA.

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CCPA Professional Services

Get Help Planning & Implementing the CCPA

CCPA Compliance

Readiness Check-Up

Two-day onsite review of current privacy operations and gap analysis against the CCPA requirements. OneTrust delivers a report of recommended improvements.

CCPA Compliance


OneTrust will help implement the software, train key privacy team members, and assist with hands-on proof-of-concepts for your team.

CCPA Compliance

Validation Services

Evaluate readiness across key CCPA compliance areas, including consumer rights and business obligations and walk away with detailed report.

CCPA Global User Community

Collaborate with Peers on Best Practices

Free CCPA Workshops

Over 250 free CCPA workshops in over 100 cities worldwide, bringing together privacy pros to discuss best practices on how to implement the CCPA.

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OneTrust PrivacyTech
User Conference

OneTrust user conference focused on the latest innovations in privacy technology with product deep dive session, privacy expo
and certification courses.

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CCPA Customer
Advisory Board

Dedicated group of OneTrust customers focused on the CCPA with direct access to our engineering teams and driving the next phase of our product roadmap.

Recommended CCPA Resources


CCPA Master Class Webinar Series

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White Paper

Comprehensive Guide to the CCPA

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White Paper

How OneTrust Helps with the CCPA

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White Paper

CCPA vs GDPR Comparison

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Free Tool

CCPA Opt-Out Builder

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