James Mackintosh

James Mackintosh

Senior columnist, markets, The Wall Street Journal

James Mackintosh joined the WSJ in 2016, after almost 20 years at the Financial Times, most recently as Investment Editor and writer of the Short View column.

He is a graduate of St Catherine's College, Oxford, where he gained a first-class degree in Philosophy and Psychology. He spent two further years at the university in postgraduate study of philosophy before entering the real world. He has two cats and two children.

He is @jmackin2 on Twitter.

Latest Articles


China’s economic model has run out of road, and the process of putting it on a new track is likely to bring more Evergrande-like mistakes.

September 21, 2021


It was a fluke that inflation calmed down in August, and it could equally well pick up again.

September 19, 2021


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