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06.10.2021 | 13:30

Algebraic Geometry and Moduli Seminar

On exotic 4-manifolds – Prof. Dr. Andras Stipsicz (Rényi Institute, Budapest) in HG G 43

06.10.2021 | 15:45

Geometry Seminar

Light bulbs in 4-manifolds – Dr. Danica Kosanović (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) in HG G 43

06.10.2021 | 17:15

Seminar on Stochastic Processes

Giant component in the supercritical level-set percolation of GFF on regular expanders – Prof. Dr. Jiří Černý (Universität Basel) in HG G 19.1

07.10.2021 | 16:15

Geometry Graduate Colloquium

Novikov-Morse Homology and its friends – Alessio Pellegrini (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) in HG G 19.2 & Livestream

07.10.2021 | 17:00

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

AHEAD : Ad-Hoc Electronic Auction Design – Prof. Dr. Mathieu Rosenbaum (École Polytechnique) in HG G 43

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