
Kaira    Contact

Need help? Feel free to contact us!

Want to ask us something about one of our WordPress themes?
Contact us via the General form below.

Please visit our support page to get one on one support.

Premium theme users are prioritized.

How it Works

While the average hourly rate for web development is around $36+ per hour,
we only charge $29 per hour for any custom work you need done.

Let us know what you're needing help with on your website and we'll get back to you as soon as possible with a quote before proceeding with the work.

We will need your WP login details to complete the work

Please provide us with login details so we're able to edit the site and complete the custom work for you.
We respect your site security and will only login and do the work needed, we do not save any details.

Join Our Newsletter!

Be the first to know about our latest products and exclusive promotions.
We don’t mail often, only about once or twice annually.

We respect your email and will not spam!