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Supported Package Managers

npm 2.02M Packages

Maven 436K Packages

Go 424K Packages

PyPI 396K Packages

Packagist 332K Packages

NuGet 278K Packages

Rubygems 175K Packages

CocoaPods 84K Packages

Cargo 69.7K Packages

Bower 69.5K Packages

CPAN 38.7K Packages

Pub 25.6K Packages

Clojars 24.3K Packages

CRAN 20.9K Packages

Hackage 16.1K Packages

conda 14.1K Packages

Meteor 13.4K Packages

Hex 12.2K Packages

Homebrew 7.25K Packages

Puppet 6.92K Packages

Carthage 4.45K Packages

SwiftPM 4.21K Packages

Julia 3.05K Packages

Elm 2.53K Packages

Dub 2.31K Packages

Racket 2.08K Packages

Nimble 1.77K Packages

Haxelib 1.62K Packages

PureScript 569 Packages

Alcatraz 464 Packages

Inqlude 228 Packages

Package manager not listed above? Consider adding support for it.