How OneTrust Helps

OneTrust helps organizations accelerate time to CDPA compliance. With a complete suite of technology solutions, OneTrust enables organizations to operationalize and automate CDPA requirements across consumer rights and privacy governance operations.

CDPA Research and Readiness

Get regulatory updates and report to your board

CDPA Consumer Right Solutions

Automate the fulfillment of data subject rights requests

CDPA Privacy Governance Solutions

Manage internal workflows, tasks, and reporting

CDPA Research and Readiness

Access Research and Guidance on CDPA

Access a centralized repository of CDPA resources that includes the full CDPA text, summaries, comprehensive guides, and regulatory guidance. Stay up-to-date with the latest amendments, news, and guidance.

Generate Your Data Protection & Security Readiness Report  

Leverage a CDPA readiness and planning report to assess your organization’s gaps and remediation recommendations to minimize risks. Opt-in to share your readiness and benchmark your program against 300+ other organizations.

CDPA Consumer Rights & Opt-Out Solutions

Automate Intake & Fulfillment of Consumer Requests

CDPA § 59.1-573

Simplify request intake with pre-built web form templates and the drag-and-drop web form builder. Leverage CDPA-specific response workflows to help your organization respond to requests appropriately and adhere to the 45-day response timeline.

Enable Opt-Out Requests & Track Across Your Systems

CDPA § 59.1-573

Comply with CDPA’s opt-out requirement and leverage website geo-targeting to ensure Virginia residents are seeing the appropriate opt-out controls, such as do not sell, do not profile, and do not use for targeted advertising requests. Track verifiable consumer consent and sync across systems to avoid the unauthorized sale of data.

Centralize & Distribute Privacy Disclosures

CDPA § 59.1-574

Easily update, centralize, and distribute policies, notices, and disclosures across all web and mobile properties from a single platform. Update privacy notices to include consumers rights under the CDPA and direct consumers to a Consumer Rights intake form.

CDPA Privacy Governance Solutions

Map Data Flows

CDPA § 59.1-576

Track key attributes when mapping data for CDPA compliance. Additionally, leverage bulk importing capabilities to attach CDPA-specific data elements to existing data.​

Distribute CDPA-based PIAs & PbD Assessments

CDPA § 59.1-576

Leverage CDPA-specific PIAs when doing certain types of data processing. Ensure adherence to the data minimization and purpose limitation consideration as outlined under the CDPA.

Comply with Virginia’s Breach Notification Requirements

CDPA § 59.1-574

Take a proactive approach to incident management and decrease risks and other potential negative impacts should a breach occur. Analyze incidents with a built-in, Virginia Data Breach Notification assessment template.

Accelerate time to CDPA compliance with OneTrust

Operationalize CDPA requirements across opt-out of sale, consumer rights, and privacy governance operations.

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Virginia CDPA Resources


Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act eBook

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OneTrust for Virginia CDPA: Operationalize Your Compliance

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Virginia CDPA Lands: What You Need To Know

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