"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." (Art. 19, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948)


Tor project The goal of the Tor project is to provide a censorship-resistant & safer access to the Internet. It is the most widely used free & open source anonymization technique in existence. It also makes it possible to host services like websites in a secure and anonymous fashion ("hidden services").

What we do

We are an independent, global network of organizations that help the Tor network by running high bandwidth Tor relays. This makes the network faster and more reliable. You can help, too, by sharing some of your bandwidth with those who need it, and by donating towards highspeed exits.

Parts of the world block Tor, and users from these countries need Tor bridges to access the uncensored Internet. You can help these people by donating towards professionally maintained Tor bridge servers.

If you are an ISP with spare resources (IP ranges, bandwidth), please contact us. is being supported by many many individuals (thanks!) and has received institutional support from:
Wau Holland Foundation     Renewable Freedom Foundation   Access Now   Reporters Without Borders   Institute for War & Peace Reporting

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