
Has blocat @ChrisEvans

Estàs segur que vols veure aquests tuits? Això no desblocarà @ChrisEvans.

  1. ha retuitat
    1 de set.

    When the penalty for aborting after rape is more severe than the penalty for rape, that's when you know it's a war on women.

    Mostra el fil
  2. 26 d’ag.
  3. ha retuitat
    24 d’ag.

    “Time is the substance I am made of. Time is a river which sweeps me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger which destroys me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire which consumes me, but I am the fire.”

  4. 24 d’ag.

    You can see the whole interview tonight on . I found it incredibly helpful.

  5. 18 d’ag.
  6. 18 d’ag.
  7. 9 d’ag.

    Damn. This awful. is one of my favorites. Sending love to him and his family.

  8. 2 de jul.
  9. 1 de jul.

    If Christian Slater from 1989 walked into the room, and I had never heard his name before, and had to guess what it was just from what he looked like, I would guess ‘Christian Slater’.

  10. ha retuitat
    30 de juny

    Government watchdogs—known as Inspectors General—protect taxpayer dollars by rooting out waste, fraud, and abuse. But right now, there’s no check if the administration appoints biased loyalists to these positions. I'm proud the House passed my measure to close this loophole.

  11. 19 de juny
  12. 19 de juny

    Thanks ! We had a blast. You gotta bring Crush’s Coaster to the states!

  13. ha retuitat
    16 de juny

    Today, for the first time since becoming President of the United States, Joe Biden is meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. the complex relationship between the US & Russia with Rep. & . Watch here 👉

  14. ha retuitat
    17 de juny

    Tune in to today’s with to hear him discuss President Biden’s plan to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan and his concerns about how this might impact the Afghan people. Watch the full video here 👉

  15. ha retuitat
    18 de juny

    Today, the Supreme Court voted 7-2 in favor of leaving the Affordable Care Act, an Obama-era healthcare bill, fully intact. Learn more about who challenged the bill and why in the explainer below 👇

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  16. ha retuitat
    17 de juny

    Today President Biden signed legislation formally recognizing Juneteenth as a federal holiday. What is and why was this legislation created? Learn more in the explainer below 👇

  17. ha retuitat

    look up "inveiglement"

  18. 13 de juny

    Thank you for all the birthday love!! Feeling incredibly grateful today. You put a smile on this haggard, old face. I love you all!!💙💙

  19. ha retuitat
    9 de juny

    "This [site] isn't a therapy session for the left and the right so we can all figure out how to sing kumbaya. It was created to promote engagement with young people." My 2nd favorite quote from our interview w/ & via

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  20. 9 de juny

    Thank you for chatting with us about . Working on this project for the last few years has been a very unique and inspiring experience. I know politics can be exhausting, but it’s so important to stay engaged and help shape the world we want to see.


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