
وەشانی تاقیکاری ناجێگیر

ئەگەر ئاسوودەیت لەگەڵ PHP و حەزدەکەیت بەژداربیت لە بەشی هەڵسەنگاندنی سوڕی گەشەپێدانمان و پێڕاگەیاندنەوەی ئەو هەڵانەی دۆزیوتەتەوە، وەشانە بێتاکان لەوانەیە ماڵی تۆبن.

By their nature these releases are unstable and should not be used any place where your data is important. Please backup your database before upgrading to a beta release. To hear about the latest beta releases your best bet is to watch the development blog and the beta forum.

You can find the latest beta releases on the Beta Releases page.

Nightly Builds

Development of WordPress moves fairly quickly and day-to-day things break as often as they are fixed. This high churn is part of our development process that aims to produce the most stable releases possible.

ئەگەر دەتەوێت ببیت بە بەشێک لەم پڕۆسەیە، باشترین شوێن بۆ دەستپێکردن بریتیە لە پەرتووکی تاقیکردنەوەی بێتا.

You can download the latest nightly release here: