Posted by Alex Moreno Lopez
I have recently moved roles and started to research the deep and rich world of marketing and, to be more precise, CDPs or Customer Data Platforms. And, as someone relatively new to the marketing world you can expect the question… What is actually a CDP? Well, while there is plenty of documentation and papers on the subject, it actually took me a bit of time to really understand what this CDP thing is all about, and how it can transform business the way it does.

Posted by Martin Anderson-Clutz
My work on the Smart Date module began with a simple idea: make managing dates and times in Drupal as easy as users have come to expect in using popular calendar applications. Many of the ideas for features and improvements built into the module have come from the community: recurring events, calendar integration, timezone handling, and many more. At a Drupal Users Group discussion last Fall, I got a question about adding content to recurring events: you might have a…
If you haven’t already seen Acquia Migrate: Accelerate, take a moment to watch this short demo video and pay special attention to the UI after the 40-second mark.
What you’ll see is a full-page React application. Except for the administration toolbar at the top of the screen, every visible element is rendered in the browser with React, even the breadcrumbs. This architecture allowed us to create a user interface that looks, feels, and is an integral part of a Drupal 9…

Posted by Alex Moreno Lopez
DrupalCon is an exciting time. Lots of talks, lots of sessions and topics to attend. However making sure you see everything and anything you want can be stressful as well. So what should you attend to make the most of this DrupalCon experience?
Fear not, I am back to give you some of the highlights of an amazing week packed with talks, learnings, surprises and more.
And with the quantity and high quality of the sessions this year, no matter your interests, be…