Products to Operationalize Privacy, Security, and Data Governance Programs

Powered by DataGuidance™ Regulatory Research and the OneTrust Athena™ AI and Robotic Automation Engine

Privacy Management

Maturity & Benchmarking

Assess the maturity of your privacy, security, and data governance programs and benchmark against similar organizations

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DataGuidance™ Research

Regulatory research portal powered by 40 in-house researchers and 800 legal contributors across 300 jurisdictions

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Awareness Training

Build a “privacy-first” culture through industry, role, and regulation specific awareness training courses delivered through OneTrust’s built-in LMS or imported into your existing LMS

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Assessment Automation

Operationalize privacy impact assessments (PIAs), data protection impact assessments (DPIAs), privacy by design (PbD), and other internal privacy and security assessments

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Data Mapping

Maintain an evergreen map of data flows, cross-border transfers, and complete records of processing

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Data Discovery & Classification

Automatically find IT systems, discover and classify the data within, map personal data to identities, and keep your data map and compliance reporting evergreen

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Vendor Risk Management

Manage the full vendor lifecycle, assess your vendor’s privacy and security practices, link vendors to your record of processing, and collaborate with vendors to assess the impact of cross border data transfers

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Incident Management

Operationalize your incident response plan, manage the incident lifecycle, and get automated breach notification guidance across hundreds of breach notification laws

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Privacy Rights (DSAR)

Manage the full privacy rights (DSAR) request workflow from intake to fulfillment with pre-built workflows and guidance for GDPR, CCPA, LGPD and other privacy regulations with privacy rights requirements

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Targeted Data Discovery™

Leverage robotic automation to automate the manual tasks required to fulfill a privacy rights request including discovering, deleting, and updating an individual’s data in other IT systems

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DSAR Redaction

Leverage AI-driven classification to scan and redact files and emails as part of the privacy rights (DSAR) fulfillment process

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CCPA Toll-Free Number

Satisfy CCPA requirements for a toll-free number intake option for consumer rights by leveraging managed service options for a shared or dedicated line or integrate with your existing IVR provider

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Consent & Preference Management

Cookie Consent

Scan your websites to identify cookies and trackers and generate geo-specific cookie banners, preference centers, and cookie policies

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Mobile App Consent

Scan mobile apps and generate native mobile user experiences to gain consent for analytics, advertising, and other types of mobile tracking

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OTT App Consent

Manage consent and preferences across Over-the-Top (OTT) devices

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Universal Consent Management

Collect, centralize, and sync user consent data across channels, platforms, and systems

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Preference Management

Collect and centralize preferences, consent, and first-party data and provide transparency & choice to users through configurable preference centers

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Policy & Notice Management

Centrally create, edit, and distribute privacy policies, notices, and disclosures

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Third-Party Risk Management

Vendor Assessments

Identify and mitigate vendor risks based on key use cases and standards

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Vendorpedia Exchange

Access research on thousands of vendors – big and small – updated daily

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Contracts & DPAs

Report on key contract terms and manage a single vendor repository

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Ongoing Monitoring

Get vendor alerts on critical security & privacy changes, incidents & breaches

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Chasing Services

Offload work to the OneTrust team to rapidly complete vendor assessments

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Governance, Risk, Compliance

IT Security Risk Management

Identify, measure, report, respond and monitor what really matters to your business

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Enterprise & Operational Risk

Integrate risk across your business processes to gain real-time insights

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Audit & Controls Management

Streamline auditing efforts with a guided workflow to complete reporting requirements

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Vendor Risk Management

Centralize vendors and work across teams by automating the vendor engagement lifecycle

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Policy Management

Map business practices to meet the standards of internal rules and external regulations

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Business Continuity

Create contingency plans to quickly remediate potential risk factors

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Integration Marketplace

Largest Network of Turnkey Integrations and Open API Framework
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Laws & Frameworks Registry

Largest Index of Privacy Laws and Guidance, Updated Daily
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