

Interested in functions, hooks, classes, or methods? Check out the new WordPress Code Reference!


The WordPress Codex is intended to be an encyclopedia of WordPress knowledge.

Founded to revitalize the collaborative documentation efforts for WordPress that began to wane on the previous document site (the defunct wiki.wordpress.org), it takes its name from codex (latin for book), the first invented form of paged volume we recognize as a book, immediately succeeding the scroll as a means to record writing.

One reason for the decline in use of the previous documentation was a certain user-unfriendliness of the tool used. We've chosen a new one for Codex called MediaWiki — developed by the Wikipedia team — which we think greatly enhances the user experience. Another issue with the previous wiki was in the organization of content: it developed without a structure, making it extremely difficult for users to find information. We hope to alleviate this in the WordPress Codex by implementing guidelines for its organization and by keeping a devoted group of moderators to enforce these guidelines.

As this is a wiki, anyone can contribute to it, and we encourage you to do so. To get started, please see Contributing to Codex and the Codex guidelines, written with Codex editors in mind.

All content on this site (WordPress Codex) is provided for use under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

More about Codex

This is an open wiki, and as such anyone can add to and edit most of the pages in it. For those who do, we urge you to create an account and User Page. Be sure and login before you work on the Codex, as this allows for better communication. Try the Sandbox for practicing, and edit freely. Changes can be reverted easily, so be bold in updating!
