
WordPress 3.2.1

Posted July 12, 2011 by Andrew Nacin. Filed under Releases.

After more than a million downloads of WordPress 3.2, we’re now releasing WordPress 3.2.1 into the wild. This maintenance release fixes a server incompatibility related to JSON that’s unfortunately affected some of you, as well as a few other fixes in the new dashboard design and the Twenty Eleven theme. If you’ve already updated to 3.2, then this update will be even faster than usual, thanks to the new feature in 3.2 that only updates files that have been changed, rather than replacing all the files in your installation.

For a full list of fixes, view the changelog the list of tickets. Our release haiku:

JSON, the admin
A little bit tidier
Edge cases covered

Download 3.2.1 or update now from the Dashboard → Updates menu in your site’s admin area.

See Also:

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