
Dev Update

Posted July 13, 2004 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Development.

Between posting to the forums, the IRC channel, and of course the wiki, I somehow forgot to update this blog. It’s time for an update. Here are a few things version 1.3 will do, or already does:

  • Works with all trackback URIs
  • New login system (for people who were having trouble)
  • New import/export system
  • Improved functionality on systems without mod_rewrite available
  • Works with PHP 5.0
  • Support category trackback
  • Easier geographic functions
  • Improved plugin API
  • Better spam control
  • More I don’t want to talk about yet, to avoid pre-hype

So, I hope that satiates your WordPress update craving.

See Also:

Want to follow the code? There’s a development P2 blog and you can track active development in the Trac timeline that often has 20–30 updates per day.

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