
The WordPress community and the open source WordPress project is committed to being as inclusive and accessible as possible. We want users, regardless of device or ability, to be able to publish content and maintain a website or application built with WordPress.

WordPress aims to make the WordPress Admin and bundled themes fully WCAG 2.0 AA compliant where possible.

All new and updated code released in WordPress must conform with these guidelines as per the WordPress Accessibility Coding Standards. Some current features and functionality in development may not yet fully comply, and known issues are listed in the WordPress Trac “accessibility” focus.

While the WordPress project cannot guarantee that all Themes are compliant, the accessibility-ready themes have been checked by the Theme Review Team to ensure that these themes pass their basic accessibility requirements.

Tim pristupačnosti

The WordPress Accessibility Team provides accessibility expertise across the project to improve the accessibility of WordPress core and resources.

The Accessibility Handbook shares the best practices for web accessibility, a list of accessibility tools, the testing we do to improve WordPress, themes, and plugins, and how to get involved in WordPress accessibility.

To report an Accessibility issue you’ve encountered in WordPress or on, please see the Accessibility Handbook page on Reporting Accessibility Issues.

ATAG izjava

Smjernice o pristupačnosti alata za autorstvo / Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines verzija 2.0, ili ATAG, su splet smijernica koje upravljaju kako napraviti alat za pravljenje web stranica koje su oboje: i pristupačne i ohrabruju kreaciju pristupačnog sadržaja.

WordPress standardi kodiranja za pristupačnost zahtejvaju novi ili ažurirani kod da ispuni standarde Smijernica o pristupačnosti web sadržaj verzija 2.0 na nivou AA / Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Povinovanje ATAG-u je dodatni cilj pored WCAG povinovanja.

Aplikacija koja se u potpunosti slaže sa ATAG 2.0 mora ne samo da bude korisna od ljudi sa onemogućenjima, nego bi trebala da omgući i ohrabri sve korisnike da kreiraju pristupačan sadržaj i pomogne im u popravljanju grešaka u pristupačnosti bez zahtjevanja bilo koje dodanih alata ili dodataka.

WordPress trenutno nije u suglasnosti sa ATAG 2.0, ali je opredijeljen da traži mogućnosti koje su pristupačne i koje pomažu korisnicima da prave pristupačan sadržaj u želji za drugoročnim ciljem slijeđenja ATAG-a.