Support » Alpha/Beta/RC » Slug with hebrew letters

  • Resolved Andrzej Klasén


    Version: 5.7-beta2-50292
    Message: Oops! That page can’t be found.
    It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links below or a search?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator Yui



    Can you install and activate Classic editor? (You can continue using Gutenberg block editor if you like, just install and activate Classic)
    Does it solve problem?

    Thread Starter Andrzej Klasén



    But I can not do: I’m using blocks for importing videos from Vimeo.
    PS. Hebrew characters are working here:

    Exported an imported posts. Everything is OK:
    Version	5.6.1
    Webbplatsspråk	sv_SE
    Användarspråk	sv_SE
    Startsidans URL
    Webbplatsens URL
    Permalänks-struktur	/%year%/%monthnum%/Úy%/%postname%/
    Använder denna webbplats HTTPS?	Nej
    Kan vem som helst registrera sig på denna webbplats?	Nej
    Standardinställning för kommentarer	Öppet
    Är detta en nätverksinstallation (multisite)?	Nej
    Antal användare	4
    Kommunikation med är nåbar
    Thread Starter Andrzej Klasén


    PS. Link to beta site: /index.php/bibeldansmusik/

    Moderator Marius L. J.


    Hiya @bibeldans,

    Just following up here, you mentioned that you made things work for you? We’ve been having some difficulties reliably replicating your problems on a new installation of WordPress 5.7-beta.

    Are you using any plugins, and if so have you tried without the plugins to make sure its not one of them causing a conflict on your site?

    Thread Starter Andrzej Klasén


    Thanks! Everything is OK.
    WordPress 5.7-beta3-50388 and “Post name” as Permalinks.

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