Flexibility, performance and cost management make cloud database environments an easy choice for many businesses. In fact, according to our recent survey, 41% of enterprises run databases in multiple cloud providers and 61% of enterprises are running both on-premises and cloud.

If you are thinking of moving your database to the cloud, or already there, make sure you know the issues to watch out for, as well as how to get the most out of your DBaaS cloud configuration.

Which databases are best for cloud computing?

A Database as a Service platform like Amazon RDS reduces much of the basic operational side of database deployment, radically simplifying server provisioning, but it does not remove all the challenges of successful deployment, or guarantee that things will be pain-free as your business expands.

As your applications grow the needs and workloads of your database grows. Whether you deploy MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL on a managed Database as a Service platform, there are many things to consider. Learn how to set up and manage the best DBaaS environment for your unique business.

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How do you migrate your database to the cloud?

Here are the five questions (or roles) you need to ask before migrating to DBaaS:

  • Is your definition of “fully managed” the same as your cloud provider?
  • Who on your team is responsible for setting up and managing your DBaaS?
  • Who is going to ensure you are not overpaying?
  • Who bridges the gap between the application and the database?
  • Are you going all-in on a single cloud or multi-cloud?

The Five Roles You Need to Fill Before Migrating to DBaaS

Follow our Cloud Migration Checklist to make sure you’re ready to migrate:

  • Decide which cloud provider to use.
  • DBaaS or roll your own?
  • Who is going to ensure you are not overpaying?
  • Know the differences and trade-offs between your on-prem and the cloud.
  • Understand how to manage consumption-based pricing.

Discover What is “Fully Managed” in the Cloud

What are the top challenges of running a database in the cloud?

So, you have decided to migrate to the cloud. Now what? Once companies arrive on the cloud, we often see them struggle with costs, downtime, and operational issues. The main issue is that the expectation of being “fully managed” turns out to be mostly or only operationally “managed.”

Explore our checklists, posts, tools, and infographics to help you learn more about the challenges of optimizing and managing your database in the cloud:


Get immediate assistance for your urgent needs with on-call expert support.

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Need longer-term, or more consistent help? Need to supplement your DBA staff?

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Managed Services

24x7 managed support from database experts that will ensure you get the most out of your database environment.

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Are you scaling your database by credit card?

With open source cloud databases, it’s easy to spin up new instances. Are you spending too much on your environment? How do you know?

Need to reduce cloud costs? Contact Percona Consulting

Embrace the Cloud!

Percona can help you make the transition and optimize your cloud database.

Contact us!