Find Posts Using Attachment


Allows to find all posts where a particular attachment (image, video, etc.) is used.

Adds a “Used In” column to the list view in Media Library, as well as to the attachment details modal.

Finds posts that use the image (including any of its intermediate sizes) in post content, or as a featured image. Works with custom post types too.

Inspired by a WP Tavern post on image attachments.


  • “Used In” column in Media Library
  • “Used In” column in the attachment details modal.


  1. Upload find-posts-using-attachment folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


February 4, 2020
What a great idea, I thought, This is exactly what I need to help me do some housekeeping an get rid of old images that are not being used. Luckily I noticed pretty quickly that it tells you an image in unused when it's clearly attached to a post. What a shame.
December 1, 2019
Works fine as described and is accurate. Helps a lot for cleanup. Thanks!
August 25, 2019
The plugin let me find posts and pages associated with an image so I could delete duplicate images. To use on Multisite, I installed on the main site and activated on the subsite.
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Contributors & Developers

“Find Posts Using Attachment” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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  • Initial release