• Resolved Aitor Méndez


    Warning shows me that:

    “A non-numeric value encountered”

    in this line:

    $pass = $this->generator->randomNumber( $qty - 1 ) + $this->generator->randomLetter();


    public function user_pass( $pass = null, $qty = 10 ) {
        if ( is_null( $pass ) ) {
            // By the way we should be using the WordPress wp_generate_password
            $pass = $this->generator->randomNumber( $qty - 1 ) + $this->generator->randomLetter();
        return $pass;

    PHP 7.4.21

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  • Plugin Author Gustavo Bordoni


    Thanks so much for the Bug report.

    I should be able to release a new version soonish with a bug fix to that problem.

    Best Regards,

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