Support » Plugin: Move Login » WP Updates shows 2.5.1 update available but unable to install it

  • Resolved diegocanal



    It apparently updates properly but then it shows version 2.5 (instead of 2.5.1) and WP again shows version 2.5.1 available after a few seconds. Also the changelog does not reflect 2.5.1 version.

    Is there an actual version 2.5.1 available? If so is there anything wrong with it?


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  • Plugin Author Grégory Viguier



    There “is” a version 2.5.1 indeed. But it seems there are some issues with the repository. As far as I know there is nothing I can do, it’s out of my hands. We simply have to wait.
    Although, if you run WordPress 4.4 or more recent, you don’t need this update.


    Related post: SVN Syncing Issues Continued.

    Thread Starter diegocanal


    Hi Greg,

    I appreciate your quick response. You are right, I am having trouble updating other plugins. Also thanks for your clarification about the nature of this update.

    I use your plugin in all of my sites, it is great!

    Thank you!


    Plugin Author Grégory Viguier


    Thank you for your trust and your kind words 🙂

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