Support » Plugin: Gutenberg » The best of WordPress comes now.

  • Gutenberg is the future. It comes slowly and unavoidable as death (but in this case as a really great thing). To ditch the bloated and slow visual composers is something that was long overdue and with Gutenberg that layout management is finally in the core. In. The. CORE. So suck it. I’m working with WP since the first version –I’ve seen everything– and this is a breeze of fresh air. New theme architectures (like the one pushed by Kadence Theme and Kadence Blocks) are so agile, speedy and just plain smart in the use of resources and the logic of the construction that you’ll never look back. Feel the advance of coldness in Winter, the warm feeling of love when it hits you, the destruction of an ultrabright fire. To stay in the comfort zone is surely warm and easy, but to give up before the evidence won’t be traumatic by any means. Ease your muscles, close your eyes. Gutenberg is here and you better get on this frigging bandwagon to beautiful hell.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by prandam.
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