‘General’ Category

Weblog Tools Collection in 2012

January 3rd, 2013
General, WordPress, WordPress Plugins

WordPress had a great 2012, bbPress had a great 2012, and we had a great 2012 too! This handy report was generated for several WordPress.com and Jetpack-powered WordPress.org blogs with moderate to high traffic, and it really is quite nice. Here’s one of my favorite excerpts from our report. About 55,000 tourists visit Liechtenstein every year. This blog was viewed about 950,000 times in 2012. If it were Liechtenstein, it would take about 17 years for that many people to see it. Your blog had more visits than a small country in Europe! So, with visits from 217 countries world-wide, and the United States, India, and the United Kingdom rounding out the top, we had more visits than 17 years worth of tourists to a small European country. That’s not bad, but we could always do better. What would you kind folks love to see from us in 2013?

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Steve Jobs 1955 – 2011

October 6th, 2011

There is not much that I can say in a few words here that you have not already heard elsewhere in the news. However, I would like to pay my respects to Steve. Steve Jobs was and will be one of the greatest influencers in my life. I learned about him in college, started to follow his career and philosophy as a student of his, and became an ardent fan of the man and his career as I learned more about him. He was a brilliant thinker, a fantastic leader and a living legend to me. His commitment to the computing experience is shared by many but is paralleled by few. His death is even closer to home because of personal reasons but I mourn his loss with more heaviness in my heart than I have ever felt for someone I have only known through the media. I can selfishly […]

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300,000 Biggest Websites, Visualized With Their Icons

August 24th, 2010
General, LinkyLoo

The 300,000 Biggest Websites, Visualized With Their Icons: Gizmodo had an interesting post today about a chart/image that contains the favicons of the 300,000 most trafficked websites on the Interwebs. I thought the interactive version was interesting and found Weblog Tools Collection completely hidden right under the lower left corner of the Blogger icon. The traffic data came from Alexa and it was put together by Nmap.

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Regarding Plugin and Theme Digests


You’ve just spent countless hours on your latest and greatest WordPress plugin and theme, and you want the world to know about it. Well, we want to help! I’m sure that you’ve all noticed the plugin and theme digests published here every other day, and it’s not too difficult to be a part of them. Sure, we all recommend that you submit your work of art to the official plugin and theme directories, but it normally takes a few days for these directories to be updated. Why not announce it here as soon as you’re done? We’ve made it easy to do just that. If you want to share your latest and greatest WordPress plugin and theme with us, stop by the New WordPress Plugins and New WordPress Themes forums and simply post a new topic via the form at the bottom of the page, or email submissions (at) wltc […]

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VideoPress Review

April 16th, 2010
General, WordPress, WordPress Plugins

Within this review, I will provide an objective view on the video-hosting service called VideoPress (owned by Automattic). Now I will be one of the first to admit that I am somewhat of an Automattic fanboi. I love WordPress, and use several of Automattic’s other services. However, even I was skeptical of what I considered a too-good-to-be-true video-hosting service. A Little Background I have been hosting my videos on YouTube for quite a while now. I especially liked their new HD feature and the ability for my screencast software to export directly to the service. I didn’t (and still, really don’t) care that the YouTube player is branded and shows ads. It worked, and worked well, and that’s really all I cared about it. And best of all, it was free. However, I ran into a roadblock with some of my videos. The ten-minute time-limit was really started to kill […]

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Looking for Tutorial and Walkthrough Authors

April 4th, 2010
Blogging, General

Are you adept at writing WordPress tutorials? Do you want to enrich the WordPress community? Want to know what it is like to be peer reviewed by tens of thousands of people simultaneously? Are you looking for some extra oomph in your blogging efforts? With WordPress 3.0 in the horizon and the many tools, plugins and themes being released every week, Weblog Tools Collection is looking for passionate WordPress enthusiasts to bring these to our readers. Please contact us using the form above or leave us a comment if you are interested in exploring the possibilities.

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How to Do ‘XYZ’ Without a WordPress Plugin

February 13th, 2010
General, WordPress, WordPress Plugins

If you do a quick Google search for, “without a plugin”, you’ll find a gazillion results for how to accomplish simple to complex tasks for WordPress without the need of a plugin. With so many articles about not using WordPress plugins, it just begs the question: “What’s wrong with WordPress plugins in the first place?” I personally love my installed plugins. I have 25 installed on my personal blog, and I couldn’t live without a single one of them. If you venture off to Jeff Chandler’s site, he has 31 installed. Are we freakin’ nuts, or what? So what’s the deal with all these “without a plugin” posts? I mean, you don’t see plugin authors posting, “How to accomplish ‘xyz’ without a WordPress theme” do you? Okay, I’m slightly kidding, but this question needs to be asked: “What benefit is there to integrating a plugin into a theme?” Does the […]

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Rough Holiday For MediaTemple And Dreamhost

November 29th, 2009

If you are a Dreamhost or MediaTemple customer and I know that many WordPress users are, it’s probably been a rough week for you. Just before Thanksgiving, an exploit was used on a subset of MediaTemple grid servers to redirect websites to a 3rd-party advertising website. Also, some customers passwords were compromised as they were stored in the database via clear text. MediaTemple has since switched to an encryption method of storing passwords in databases. Over the holidays, Dreamhost encountered a fairly large network failure. This happened just before they conducted their largest data center move to date. The network failure caused a number of sites to go offline, including a number of Dreamhost official sites. However, as mentioned in a recent ZDNet article, the nightmare is still ongoing for a few customers, especially those running WordPress who are running into 500 errors. ZDNet published a list of directions from […]

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Darn You WordPress!!


WordPress rocks! (Most of the time…)   Sometimes though it can make you want to pull your hair out. Today I want to talk about that. Those times when you wish you could take a machete to it. I’ve had my share of such situations several times in the past. Now, I don’t mean plugins, or themes, or anything external like that. I mean the core of WordPress itself. Sometimes it seems WordPress just comes up short. It can be anything from a simple little inconvenience to a total show-stopper. I think hearing peoples gripes about WordPress would be a nice contrast to the almost constant good things you hear about it. It might also help to get more attention on the issues. Don’t forget that someone may come across this post, read a gripe, and possibly provide a solution. We can all help each other! So, lets get it started… One […]

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